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I'm in high school and I want to be an exhange student in the UK?

I'm in high school and i live in the USA and want to be an exchange student in the UK, but I can't find any sites.

Know any sites I can go to?

Please, I have been up half the night trying to find one...

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi there,

    That sure is weird... It took me five minute on Google to find some very good sites.

    First of all, have a look at this site: It lists a number of programs for high school students to have a study abroad semester / year in the UK. Simply click on "school search", and specify your level.

    Two Worlds United also offers a program for high school students. The description can be found at

    Then there's the program offered by Intrax Study Abroad. This, however, is only for a summer abroad:

    You might, however, want to have a look at their Ireland option. There you could go to high school:

    NorthWest Student Exchange also offers high school programs, but I couldn't figure out if they will definitely be able to place you in the UK. Have a look at their site, though:

    If you still can't find anything, here's a link to a very comprehensive directory of options for high school students:

    Good luck finding a school, and have fun!



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