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So which is worse: an unqualified President or an unqualified VP? ?

I can see that the Democrate attack machine has resulted in a lot of fixed thinking about Palin. However, why do so many people compare her experience to Obama's?

If McCain wins there's a risk we will have a VP with a thin resume. If Obama wins we get an unqualified president from day one. How is that the better choice?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you'll get some really stupid answers to thins just wait. lol

    But OF COURSE the better choice is to pick a PRESIDENT who has more experience. And if we are choosing between an overly qualified man (McCain) and a vastly under qualified man (Obama) it's pretty obvious who we should have running the nation. They should really have higher standards for people who want to run for president.

    Also, it's really ignorant of the Obama cultists to compare McCain's VP pick to ANYTHING considering their own Presidential pick is so under qualified AND Palin is even more qualified than Obama.

    But you won't be able to change their minds.

    Source(s): brains
  • 1 decade ago

    The reasons democrats have been attacking Palin is because a cornerstone of McCain's campaign has been attacking Obama's experience. Then McCain chose Palin, and it pissed a lot of people off.

    Anyway, I don't find experience to be really relevant. As long as the candidates have had some form of experience in a public office, then I think they should be able to run. I think that the reason Palin is made fun of so much is simply because she is stupid; if she was inexperienced but appeared intelligent, then people wouldn't attack her so much.

  • 1 decade ago

    just vote for McCain as a socialist like Obama won't last long even if he

    would have a miracle and then would have JOE Biden

    and JOE is not that bad of guy..he is a good guy

    HEY JOE>>?? got any 15 year old Scotch going to waste?

    yeah joe is a real lobbyist lobbyist

    but I still want John McCain and Sarah Palin *wink wink*

    they look so darn cute on the state together..

    and obama looks so much like an empty suit

  • 1 decade ago

    Crazy people always underestimating Obama's experience. First of all, Obama graduated with the highest honors at Harvard while Palin went to different colleges of mediocre statues.

    He served four years in the U.S. Senate representing Illinois.

    Before that, he was a state senator in Illinois for eight years.

    He was also a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School during that time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    An unqualified president for sure!!!!!!! Palin won't become pres. unless mccain dies which I know people are all saying that he's "so old" but let's be serious, people live to be 90 or even 100 these days. I'm not too worried about that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Palin may not be too savy about Washington politics but she's had a lot of experience in government leadership in her own state of Alaska. As far as Obama is concerned, he's had experience in his own capacities. They both have new and motivating ideas, and that's what this country needs. Its up to America to decide which has the best ideas to govern this country.

  • 1 decade ago

    I prefer the leaders of my country to be smarter than myself, hence I'm voting for Obama/Biden. I really don't want another C student and a journalism major with a low GPA running the most powerful country in the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unqualified President, So I guess I have to vote OBAMA. McCain just doesn't understand the issues.

  • With the GOP ticket McCain/Palin you get both.

    Look at them together in the first clip here :

    Getting beat up by Katie Couric . . .

    John McCain graduated Annapolis in the bottom five of his class -

    894 th out of the 899 midshipmen, in the 0.556 %tile

    Navy pilot John Sidney McCain III should have never been allowed to graduate from the U.S. Navy flight school. He was a below average student and a lousy pilot. Had his father and grandfather not been famous four star U.S. Navy admirals, McCain III would have never been allowed in the cockpit of a military aircraft.

    During his relative short stunt on flight status, McCain III lost five U.S. Navy aircraft, four in accidents and one in combat.

    McCain III lost jet number one in 1958 when he plunged into Corpus Christi Bay while practicing landings.

    McCain : "You know, I remember there's some kind of a switch here somewhere that blows the canopy off the airplane, but I didn't read that book, and I don't know where the switch is, so I guess I'm dead."

    "Sittin' on the bottom of the bay

    Cause I skipped the class on how to blow the cockpit away."

    KING: At the expense of maybe ...

    MCCAIN: Yes.

    KING: ... learning how to eject?

    MCCAIN: Yes, at the expense of maybe learning my flight procedures, which I probably should have given a higher priority to.

    Vietnam Veterans Against John

    But McCain's pick for second-in-command shows deriliction of duty -

    that McCain does NOT really care about this country at all -

    he would be willing to put the nation at risk for a cheap exploitation to try a ploy to win woman voters.

    Woman just aren't as dumb as McCain thinks they are,

    nor as dumb as McCain is himself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    President of course

    Of course, the Obama sheep are too busy slandering Palin to realize that

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