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saving the sex......?

in a relationship. is it a good thing?

for me, i have been in an exclusive relationship with my best friend for a little over a month. we were both attracted to each other before hand. her to me in january and me to her in may, when i figured out that she liked me.

since may, we have done stuff together. not sex though.

she has been sexually active with multiple partners. after the first time we made out, she had sex with an f buddy.

i was kinda broken but i wasnt actually her boyfriend then so i got over it.

and after that she did it one more time with someone. im gonna assume it was the same f buddy. before we were an item.

but since that, she has been celibate since then. cuz she wants to wait for me. and a virgin cuz i try not to listen to my hormones.

and she wants to have sex with me. and sometimes i feel bad. not giving her what she wants.

she said she would wait for me so im assuming she would.

kinda selfish of me. but im not planning to do it anytime soon.

what do you all think? of this whole situation? anything helps.


and ages. im a senior in HS and she is a freshman in college.

38 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    CHASTITY all the way. dont feel pressured to do it, do it when u think its right, u dont wanna regret losing it to someone who pressured u into it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Neither of you should be having sex unless you are married

    and planning onhaving children

    Your life is not even begun yet and your already mucking it up with a bad "relationship"

    Get serious about your life and future

    stop giving in to the lusts of your bodies

    use your mind and be reasonable

    there is no reason to pursue this relationship since both your lives have not even begun yet

    You are still a child

    You cannot have sex becuz you are not prepared or willing to deal with all the consequences (whether you think they will happen or not is not an issue)

    You are a child and if you want to cloud your future, continue this torrid relationship;

    If you want to make a grown adult decision, Stop seeing this person; you knolw that you cant (dont want tO) control your lustful feelings around this person, so stay away from her for both your benefiTS

    YOU cannot control what she does

    you can only control waht you do

    so be smart and get the hell away from her and stay away from sex

    Sex complicates and can destroy your future

    You are too young

    What is wrong with children today

    Do you think the parents who brought you into this world would really be okay with you having sex before you find someone youlLove?

    You kids NEED to stop giving in to your bodies and get some BALLS

    Be real and develope some damn character.......

    You need to be asking your parents these things

    THink of your future

    concentrate on school and what you want for your life

    dont you want a life???

    Leave the girls a lone

    Be friends

    Dont get all crazy over anyone

    YOur Heart, your feelings, your love is PRECIOUS

    dont give up even a little of these to anyone who doesnt desrv your all

    You are too young

    ANd im sure you dont want to hear these things

    the truth is not always pleasant

    but neither is real world and real life

    get over your body and control it

    Focus on yer future and get true love and affection and support form your family

    You say you are a "virgin"

    If you "did things" with anyone --you are no "virgin"

    VIrgin means pure

    dont give yerself away

    You are too good for just enyone and evryone

    Give yourself to your wife in your future

    Sex should nolt even be a factor in your life at all

    Participate in helping your community after school

    keep a job!!

    Be responsible

    Get your school work done and do well

    Focus on becoming the perosn you want ot be---successful and happy

    Talk with you r parents

    talk to them

    talk to them

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm glad to hear that this girl stopped having sex with these people when you guys started to be an official couple, but she shouldn't be pressuring you into having sex with her. She should respect that. Be strong and don't give in. It's not selfish by far for you to want to save it. If she really likes you, she will wait. If she doesn't understand, she's just silly. When I lost my virginity, it was with someone I really liked and cared for. We were together for 4 months before we had sex. He dumped me a week later and bragged to all of his friends about us having sex. I wish I didn't listen to my hormones. Nonetheless, I think it's great that you want to wait.

  • Anna
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If this woman in your life truly means that she will wait for you she will. Also if she is sincere she will not harass you or try to guilt or tempt you into having sex with her. If you feel pressured into having sex it will not be pleasant and you will come to regret your decision later. Trust me on this one.

    Stick to your principles. And NO you are not selfish. Do not ever think like that about your virginity. It is very important and should be shared by someone who truly loves you.

    Source(s): someone who has lived life
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you should break up with her. There's nothing wrong with you waiting, but she doesn't sound very faithful at all. And you should not feel pressured to do anything you don't want to just because of her. If she's already been with other guys after you two made out, even if you weren't officially together, that's not a good sign. Call it off.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think its the weirdest thing I ever heard!

    I mean can you call a girl a Fresh MAN ?

    How very very GAY is that?

    Why don't you try CELEBRATE instead of CELIBATE and release all of that heavily built up testicular tension. I am sure by the sound of it that she is more than ready to receive and eschew every drop of love you will undoubtedly provide for her ultimate fulfilment.

    And wot the heck is a f buddy

    Jeez you American got funny name for things and funny way of mucking about instead of just getting into it!

    Source(s): Don't knock the rock Cokker!
  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should definitely wait and don't let here talk you out of it! Since like 75% of people regret having sex for the first time and not waiting, it might be a good option for you to wait.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ultimately it's your decision. Don't do anything because of your buddies urging you on or because anyone else wants you to; only do it if YOU want to. Don't force yourself to do anything you don't want to; you might feel bad not giving it to her now, but you'll be feeling it a lot worse later when you terribly regret giving it to her. So, make sure you really are ready when you give it to her. You aren't being selfish; one's virginity shouldn't be taken lightly. You seem like a mature guy, taking it so seriously, so don't give it up so whimsically. Best of luck man.

  • 1 decade ago

    sorry to be mean like this but she is a whore with a capital W. get out of this relationship fast, she does not deserve to have you and as much as you think you may love her, she is NOT what you want. even though she says shes gonna wait, she still is after the sex and what makes you think she doesn't still have f buddies to satisfy her while she's "waiting" for you.

    i'm sorry i don't mean to be rude but that's how it is

  • 1 decade ago

    You should ALWAYS wait until you are married! Find what you believe in. If you make the mistake of being sexually active, then fine- bad idea. But it is not selfish of you to not give her that if she wants it and you don't. If she cares for you, she will respect that. I hope you wait!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OOOh snap!!! OK.

    Don't feel bad. Let her wait, and she's had more than her fill of sex so she can wait. Unless you decide to marry this girl (which is in question because she seems a bit loose -- no disrespect intended) don't have sex with her. Uphold your morals and wait until after you get married.

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