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There is a lot of religion on R&S but no spirituality...?

I believe religion is the mother of spirituality yet I don't see a religious person who is spiritual. [sorry if I overlooked]

Are we just avoiding the spirituality of our religion or are we ignorant of our own religion ?

The question is not aimed at any group of a particular religion.





Sunil T...........

I said "WE" not "YOU". I said "OUR religion" not "YOURS".

Hope U got it.


Update 2:


Sreeniwasa m....

You have a point but who forces a soul towards spirituality ?

Can an athiest posses spiritual qualities ?

Your point suggests that he can.


Update 3:


Shahazad N shaikh............

My question as I said, was not aimed at any religion but the people who follow it.

I am talking about Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews and NOT about Hinduism, Judaism or Islam for that matter.

Religion gave birth to spirtuality which the followers of all religion have forbidden. Isn't it ?


12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ha Ha i agree ...all what i see is arguing .fighting , insulting

    they are not looking for spirituals they trying to prove the opposite is wrong

    and I'm speaking in overall not targeting any specific concept or religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You said that you are not speaking in context of any Religion but your question gives a implied meaning that Islam is devoid of spirituality. If you did not mean this then you should have either defended Islam or not pointed fingers at religions in this manner. Think what you said. Suffism represents the spiritual aspect of Islamic laws in the highest degree.

  • 1 decade ago

    We are told in the Bible that in the last days before Jesus comes it will be as it was in the time of Noah. During Noah's time people would not choose to have a good quality relationship with Jesus or keep the law according to the Holy Bible/prophets of old.

    That is why it is so hard to find a person who is spiritually close to the Lord. Even in churches, many may go through the motions and do the things requested, but their hearts may be hard and they lack the spiritual insight needed because of the hardness of their hearts.

    This is happening all over and in all churches and synagogues.

    It is not that they are avoiding spirituality - the spiritual aspect of a relationship with God the Father or Christ the son, it is that they don't want to take to for that relationship to grow.

    Even I, and I am a teacher at church, fall behind in my study time which should be a daily ritual. I am trying to make it a priority, but some days or nights, it is hard to find time to just sit down and read/pray and study with God's guidance. I do, however, spend time everyday and every night in prayer and communion - that is communicating with my Heavenly Father and Jesus.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All true Christians are very spiritual, or the truer the more spiritual I'd say. There are quite a few in here but sometimes it looks like the Atheists who don't belong in here at all outnumber the Christians.

    BTW, I'm a Pentecostal and been on fire for the Lord for almost 40 years. God bless you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You are wrong ,religion and spirituality are two different. Spirituality has no religion, it is Universal and any person belonging to any religion or sect can practice spirituality. It is connected with the soul

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The questions are never directed to sprituality just religion.

    I'm spiritual, without the spiritual side religion would be pointless tradtions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess Yahoo! Answers is not the spiritually uplifting place it used to be.. :/

    Source(s): Overlooked "spiritual giant". :]
  • 1 decade ago

    as Jesus told Nicodemus, you have to be reborn in spirit and few people really experience this wonderful thing, check out my web site

  • 1 decade ago

    Because nobody has a problem with spirituality these days.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Source(s): SELF
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