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Homophobia alive and kicking in the church of England?


We are all entitled to voice an opinion but the CofE is tearing itself apart trying to get to grips with women and gays. That doesn't make for a 21st century church!

He wants to outlaw pride marches. Both London Majors have realised that, as a gay friendly country we need to promote the UK as a country where gays, for the most part, live happily as a valued members of society in the hope that other countries will do the same.

Update 2:

Miss England..I grew up with years and years of homophobia and felt like a freak of I find your answer a tad insulting

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like the comment by merz about muslim men sticking their arses in the air 5 times a day.... Blimey, how gay is that then? Still luckily for all good christian and muslim gay men they can practise being gay in the UK without fear of persecution.... Long Live The Queen(s)... xx

    Source(s): infinite chocolate chuff chuff
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's hardly surprising, he is a Christian after all. Take a look in the Bible and you'll see more hate than you'll ever see on our morally bankrupt television.

    To the person who said:

    "It may be offensive for him to say that, but it may be offensive, even obscene for him to see gay parades. What we have here is bigotry on the homosexual's side.Homosexuals are allowed to express their selves through gay pride public ally But, the straight people aren't allowed to say anything publically about homosexuality being wrong."

    It's not offensive to express his hatred of homosexuality, it is offensive to do so by suggesting a Nazi-esqe policy of tattooing homosexuals with crude, nasty phrases. For a man of the cloth he certainly has a potty mouth, one I hope he does not use to praise his God.

    But on the other hand allowing such idiots to express their tediously dull and unromantic foul views can only be a boon to the cause of freedom for all those who like to be different. It also allows those of us who believe in human freedom to know our enemy and ensure we do not associate with those filled with such hate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It goes against their faith, not just the Christian faith but also the Muslim faith and Jewish faith. It is not homophobia, it is just that they do not agree with how they are living their life. I have gay friends and I am Christian, I respect their decision to live their life how they wish but they also respect my religious views.

    Just thought I would add, what the vicar said in his blog is sick and personally I think he should be fired! He has got it so wrong! It makes me ashamed to call myself a christian :-(

  • Ash
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This is England as it still have christian principles which mean you are who are are and there are laws to protect you.

    Unfortunately, this country is giving in more and more to the muslims and this may very well change in the future.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More like all over the world! And the homophobes are the ones having the most gay sex.

  • 1 decade ago

    That didn't surprise me one bit. Except for that photo of a Pink Tank, man, I dug that tank.

    The Church Of England likes to come off as all Liberal, but it's just as conservative as any other Church, except it's led by Gandalf.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The priest had a point...

    It may be offensive for him to say that, but it may be offensive, even obscene for him to see gay parades. What we have here is bigotry on the homosexual's side.Homosexuals are allowed to express their selves through gay pride public ally But, the straight people aren't allowed to say anything publically about homosexuality being wrong.

    I don't see is as homophobia, I see it as just a guy that don't believe homosexuality is natural, and he is expressing it. If you don't like that go to a communist country where some rights aren't allowed.

    I can understand where homosexuals are coming from in this argument, but I also see what the guy is saying; but I know your just looking for one view and that is a view that coincides with you.

    The guy was aggressive in his expression, that don't classify him as a homophobes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hes the dolt who wrote that "without christianity, society is doomed", and that muslims "certainly lend themselves to ridicule: sticking their arses in the air five times a day. How about a few little choruses, 'Randy Muslims when they die/Find 70 virgins in the sky'?"

    somehow i think society would be better off without bigoted clowns like him

  • kaz716
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Apparently so is censored speech! Thank God I live in a free country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree that this man is entitled to his opinion, if he does not agree with Homosexuality then so be it, I wouldn't let it bother me if I was gay, each to their own.

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