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miladybc asked in EnvironmentGreen Living · 1 decade ago

What have you done to make your home more environmently "Green"?

I changed my light bulbs to those new swirly lower wattage ones and covered the attic floor with an insulation made from recyclable materials . What are you doing?


So far 2 days and such great ideas! We, too, are using our cloth bags with handles for shopping instead of getting paper or plastic ones from the store. We also use our bikes or walk to short trips to local shops instead of the car. Keep those thermostats down/up (according to season). More ideas, please!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm doing the same what your are doing.

    also After I finish with my food I buried them in the Soil so this way we could prevent more methanol gas mixing in the air and it good for fertilizer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we have installed a new shower head that releases less water...

    changed all globes to the energy efficient ones

    turn off all lights when not needed...

    all bath and shower water has a special pipe that releases the water onto the garden rather down the drain.

    I try my best to carry around enviro. bags, so I don't need to use plastic.

    Recycle all plastic and paper waste.

    we are on fairly tight water restrictions in Australia, so most of the above is a necessity.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many things that I do to be more "green", and some are very inexpensive too:

    ~Of course, recycle everything I can! (Ex: cans, bottles, plastics, paper, ect.)

    ~Buy energy saving light bulbs (Which you are already doing!!!)

    ~Buy things like clothes, paper, ect that are made from recycled materials

    ~Use reusable batteries or recycle dead batteries properly

    ~Use reusable shopping bags

    ~When I get plastic shopping bags, I use them instead of just tossing them. They can be used to pick up dog poo, line small trash cans, ect.

    ~I'm trying not to use paper napkins or paper towel as much as possible. Instead I use cloth napkins that can be washed.

    ~Try to use fewer paper plates and more washable ones.

    ~Take shorter showers

    ~I turn off lights whenever possible

    ~Unplug appliences when not in use

    ~Some nights, I use candles instead of lights

    ~Try to buy more organic foods and local foods (for example, at a farmer's market)

    ~Use regular silverware, not plastic

    ~Use eco friendly products in replace of regular dish washing liquids, house cleaners, ect. (Greenworks)

    ~Use cold water to wash clothes (Tide Cold water works great)

    ~On a nice day, I turn off the air/heat and open some windows. You save of the cost, get a nice fresh breeze, and help the environment.

    ~Planted trees around my house to shade and save on using more air conditioning

    ~Bought one stainless steel, reusable, water bottle instead of using regular plastic ones and then getting rid of them. This one you can clean and use over and over again!

    ~Changed the setting on my sprinklers to use less water

    ~Buy eco friendly fertilizers (I think they have them at Home Depot)

    ~When I'm painting, they have eco friendly paint at Home Depot

    ~Walk or ride a bike wherever possible

    ~Carpool if possible

  • 1 decade ago

    -using reusable trash bags when shopping

    -turning off lights

    -filling the dish washer when its completely full

    -shorter showers

    -turning off plugs when i'm done with them

    -opening windows more

    -some environmentally products


    -trying to use rags instead of paper towels all the time

    -washing full loads

    and if i was living alone i'd do if its yellow let it mellow if its brown flush it down. but i dont pee yellow bc i drink a lot of water and also i live with a roomie

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have just changed one bulb to an energy efficient bulb and plan to convert the rest very, very soon. I live in an apartment so I can convince my neighbors to do the same if they don't do it already.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am building a wind energy powered mill that will produce electric, will save me money, less dependent from utility companies, and is safe for our environment. See link below for details.

  • 1 decade ago

    we recycle & compost.

    we use cfl & the fan instead of a/c. this winter we plan to turn the heat back 3 degrees.

    unplug what's not in use.

  • 1 decade ago

    In all truth I have done nothing at all to make my room more environmentally friendly. I guess its because I like it the way it is.

  • 1 decade ago


    not takin long showers

    light bulbs!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i changed my light bulbs as well. i also use instead of google beacuse it saves watt hours and gives u better results !! try it... i have also started recylcing.

    please make me best answer BEACUSE I CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRERMENT !!

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