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Do any women out there have sex with their husband even when they don't want to?

I am in my 20's and I am married. I don't know if I am burnt out on sex or what, but I rarely feel the urge. My husband is very sexy, but I am fine just loving him it doesn't matter to me if we have sex or not. He on the other hand is always very horny and gets mad when I am not in the mood. I just can't make myself do it when I am not in the mood. How do you other married women handle it or do you even have that problem?


I don't like disappointing him and I don't want him to use my not putting out as an excuse to cheat. I really love him.

Update 2:

We have been togethet eight years and have a small child. I didn't start to stop having the urge until I got pregnant with my daughter and it's been that way ever since. I love my daughter and want more kids. I just don't desire sex right now!

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think we all go through spurts of feeling that way. Maybe you are not getting the arousal from your husband because he doesn't know what to do to please you. Do you know what to do to please you? If your answer is no, you need to go see a therapist. I did when I was younger and he helped me to learn what sexually aroused me and how to show my husband. We've had a great sex life since.

  • 1 decade ago

    Men in general are usually more horny...My husband is and he says it's because I'm so damn sexy :)

    I don't have sex when I'm not in the mood (which is rare at 30 years young)..and if he is and I'm not then I will pleasure him in anyway...Because my rule of thumb is that it's not his fault if I'm not 'in the mood' every waking moment so why should he suffer?....

    I wish women wouldn't use the we have kids excuse tho like I hear some of my friends say...My husband and I have a 9 month old boy and we had sex during pregnancy, after and now...I guess when you're truly in love you have lots of sex...I know my grandparents did...

  • 1 decade ago

    A normal male’s body produces 20 times more testosterone than a female’s. In other words, a male feels the same way after one day without sex as a female after 20 days without sex. A male that has not had sex in 20 days feels the same way as a female after more than a year without sex.

    Knowing this simple difference, you can already understand the pain of the opposite gender. It’s NOT their fault: they are made this way! It’s in our genes! This is the reason why men are men and women are women. Men and women are DIFFERENT. Not better or worse, just different.

    That said, I tell my husband "not right now" and do NOT let his subsequent pouting get the best of me. I have to IGNORE his frustration, 'coz eventually he WILL get over it. That's the key: learn how to truly ignore/dismiss/not care about his getting mad after you say no, and you won't feel bad about saying it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Whether you're separated or not, I think it sets a precedent where anytime he wants strange (alternate word for cat), all he has to do is say "we're getting separated," do his thing, then get back together with you. That's not good. That's going to hurt. When I got married at 19, my wife was the only girl I had ever been with. I had no urge to go out and sleep with other girls. My soon-to-be-ex wife actually did the cheating, and a lot of it. We did the trial separation thing back in January, and started dating some other dude and never looked back. Our divorce will be final on Thursday. To this day, she is still the only person I've ever been with.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think you need to start paying attention to your man more and showing him that you are sexually attracted to him. Most women once they have kids and have been with their partners for a while just start seeing their partner as a good looking friend but forget that they are men that have this innate desire to please us sexually. If you are not feeling sexy try out new things. Put on some lippy, buy new lingerie, or buy a sexual toy if you're into that, and when you're child isn't watching.. just go for it.. be naughty! Whatever it is just try it and dedicate 1 hour a couple of times a week to having sex or just bonding sexually with your partner. You don't need to let him know you're plans because then he might think this whole thing is too structured, just try to show him that you still desire him sexually because he might start looking elsewhere if you both do not fulfil this basic need. And it is easy, men are very simple creatures :). Try to do it for me but remember you need to feel good about yourself first and get into it, because he'll know if you're not. Most likely you will re-connect with your body and start feeling sexier and more positive about sex.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I have that problem from time to time, and yes, my husband is also very,.extremely...sexually active. I'm just honest with my husband and tell him that I'm not in the mood. Some may argue that you need to sacrifice and do it even if you don't want to do it to keep your husband from cheating. I think that BS. If you are not in the mood, and there is nothing that your husband can do to get you in the mood, than you should not do it. It's not fair to him if your heart isn't in it.

    There have been occassions that I take a small drink to get me in the mood, but sometimes that backfires.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, you're not the one with the problem. Your husband needs to know you're not a sex machine!, and maybe if he'd lighten up, and not get mad at you when you don't want to have sex, you might actually want to have sex with him(if that makes sense) When we're angry, sex is the last thing we want to have with the person that is making us angry! I once heard it said that men think about sex ALL the time, and if they say they don't, they're lying. It's their basic animal instint.. Us ladies got all the brains ;-) But no, you're not alone in this, so don't feel bad.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am 22 and I am having the same exact problem with my husband. I am never in the mood anymore and I can't figure out why. I can't make myself do it for him either. What helps me is trying as hard as you can to make yourself want him. Watching porn sometimes works if you're into that. Foreplay always works. Find what makes you horny and ask him to do it. Trust works. He should be understanding.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Please see a sex therapist or marriage counselor. It's fine to "just lay there" every once in awhile, but you shouldn't make a habit of it. The fact that he gets angry only makes it worse. Most men would not want to have sex f the woman is not interested. Is there not enough foreplay? Are you feeling ill? Tired? Depressed? These issues need to be resolved if you ever expect to get your libido back. Also, stop having sex when you're not interested, but you need to figure out why you aren't so you can help your marriage.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am w/u. the only thing that i have on my side is that we have 5 kids and are constantly on the go. so i have no time to even think about sex and when i start relaxing i don't think about anything but not for my husband. s3x is always on his mind. but i do give in for the most part but there are time that we will get in a fight because i don't want to or i am just really exhausted.

    this problem wont go away you just have to learn how to handle the situation give in for the most part and don't let it bother you when he gets mad. we should get mad at them for not recongizing our emotional needs

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