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Lv 7
xg6 asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Muslim father, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers, ACORN?

Is the Republican party having a problem finding this election's Swift Boat issue?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    From your question as you know these are not the fundamental issues facing Americans. In the midst of an American financial meltdown, recession, job losses and two wars, this is what the Republicans are coming up with in the final days of their campaign.

  • 1 decade ago

    You forgot to say he is a closet muslim. Yes he is! On September 7, 2008, The Washington Times posted a verbal slip that was made on "This Week" with George Stephanapoulos. Obama on talking about his religion said, "My Muslim faith". When questioned, "he made a mistake". Some mistake! Open your eyes if you're incapable of thinking this true. He has promised you something that can never be true--if you think too jobs have gone off shore already, then hold on to your hat and it is all do to the second highest tax rate in the world on business which Barry wants to raise and too much regulation in the form of Nazi like bureaucrats under the flag of OSHA, EPA, IRS, etc. But then you die hard, won't look at the facts, Osama (Ted Kennedy said it first) fans probably don't have jobs or anything else to lose. Some of you probably think both Barney Frank has done a good job and is honest and the very crooked Chris Dodd, also. And there is a good chance you think it's okay that Charley Rangle cheats big time on his income tax, and William Jefferson uses his freezer for his piggy bank for bribery payoffs.

  • 1 decade ago

    No my little sheep it just shows the mettle of the man. I don't care who his daddy was. Rev.Wright is a showman trying to drum up business.I do however have a problem with Ayers and Acorn.Obama supporters don't support the war but fail to see the war on thier doorstep.To attempt to kill other Americans and strong arm people to vote or fund thier subprime lending is a dangerous thing.Look at the economy now this mess started at the Bottom all the way to the top. Obama is too far gone with the groups he hangs with and they will have him in thier pocket even if he did not want them to be.If elected tell me in 20 years if it was or not so.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Its having problems tying him to anything.

    So its been a scatter shot approach, sling the mud and see what sticks.

    But we have had Obama around for over a year now, seventeen debates, on the screen, discussed, gone over and interviewed.

    If you want normal people to be scared of him you are too late.

    They thought they would be battling Hillary, they were primed for her.

    They didn't count on Obama, but the fact that who he knows is the best they can do, that and his middle name, indicated there isn't anything solid out there. Not even solid enough to twist.

    Except for FOX. They are ignoring everything except for the latest smear, I wonder if you can line a bird cage with a TV?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Nope... i did not in the past the campaign. whilst i exchange into leaping up and down announcing: look on the individuals this guy hangs with... human beings have been telling me that's not suitable. I reported yet he spent 20 years in REV Wright's Church! They reported... what he does in his "spare time" is his company. Then after elected - He is going on numerous international huge APOLOGY excursions which sound suspiciously like "God damn united statesa.". I supply up... Come on 2012.

  • 1 decade ago

    They can't now........ McCain stole the smears......... :P


    McCain was again pressed about Obama's "other-ness" and again he refused to play ball. "I don't trust Obama," a woman said. "I have read about him. He's an Arab."

    "No, ma'am," McCain said several times, shaking his head in disagreement. "He's a decent, family man, [a] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign is all about."

    At another point, McCain declared, "If you want a fight, we will fight. But we will be respectful. I admire Sen. Obama and his accomplishments." Supporters booed then also. "I don't mean that has to reduce your ferocity," McCain responded. "I just mean to say you have to be respectful."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes McCain is too slow for swift boats.

    His wife does drive a mean Vette though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The GOP is not into trying to discredit anyone. We are standing on issues to improve America and be a better democratic nation and will not stoop to mud slinging tactics like obama has been doing. The people of America will prevail with a strong experienced leader to better our nation.

  • fdm215
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The McCain campaign has failed in its attempt to distract voters with this stuff. VOTERS DON'T CARE. The economy is tanking. Hello?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what amuses me is how they didn't seem to notice that none of that garbage worked for Hillary either

    they NEVER learn... count on it

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