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if you could ask a debate question?

if you could ask any question in the debate what would it be mine would be why the canidates are completely ignoring the wish of the majority of the people and supporting stealing $850 billion dollars of taxpayer money and giving it to their elitest friends


bolt thrower i spent 2 years in iraq i dont expect much out of the iraqi army that country is full of fanatics and cowards

Update 2:

but it is time to come home and start taking care of this country i dont ever want to see another dead american soldier in my life

Update 3:

savannah thats a great question but i believe that could be asked of both canidates we are on the cliff looking down right now

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    " Why Are We Not Looking After Own Country Before All Others"?

    "Why Are We Sacrificing Our Troops"?

    "Why Don't/Can't We Bring Our Troops Home"?

    "Why Are We Selling Our Country Away Bit By Bit"?

    " Why Don't We Limit Foreign Entry Into Our Country"?

    (others do, China did this Summer)

    Sorry, so many more, but I will stop for now

    Source(s): *******These Topics Need Addressing Also******
  • 1 decade ago

    for john mccain~do you still believe that the iraq war was a good idea considering that the intelligence was faulty at best?and a follow up if i can~ can you expect the iraqi army to start defending that country in 100 years?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What will either of you do about illegal immigration. If we cut off funding their education, hospital bills, and jail time, we could save our own country BILLIONS of dollars. We have a hard enough time paying for our own education and health insurance, let alone having to pay for theirs as well.

  • J. P.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would ask McCain why he keeps on trying, when he knows Obama is going to be elected the next President.

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  • geegee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    For either candidate: Why do you keep insisting that you are going to lower taxes? Anyone in their right mind knows that this can't be done, so why insist that either of you can do such a thing? Tell the truth, we can take it!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What are they going to do about the national debt, and how do they plan to cut taxes while fixing Social security, education and health care while paying off the national debt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where is Obama gonna get this money for all the 'CHANGE' he is gonna do for the United States? He always says a bunch of crap about what he is gonna do for americas but never says where he is gonna get the money for it. Because if anyone hasn't noticed? Our country is on the border line of ECONOMIC FAILER.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why did you pick Sarah Failin as your VP, she is dumber than a doorknob!?

    My question is for John McSame. I want him to explain why people should vote for a power abuser like Sarah Failin

  • My question would be to John McCain.......Why are you still in the race why havent you dropped out you are old and obama has too high of a lead in the polls for you to overcome ohh and did i mention you are old?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Senator Obama, why will you NOT answer the questions about Ayers, Acorn and your other questionable associations?

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