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if you fail as a girlfriend or boyfriend,does that mean you'll fail as a wife or a hubby later on?

enlighten me please. i prefer the Filipino perspective so please don't report me for posting this under Yahoo Philippines. thanks.

20 Answers

  • ARF
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You will eventually fail if you don't learn from the failures you had from previous relationships.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Being married is different from being a GF/BF. You become a husband or a wife. And you always will want to work things out whenever problem arises. Whereas being a GF/BF you don't really "care" if things won't work fine between you two after all you are not married.

    I have never been a wife so can't say if I will fail later on. hehehehe

    I hope I fare well in that category.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Could be but not always. If you've been an incorrigible failure with a string of broken relationships- all because of your fault- then the likelihood of failure in marriage is rather high. Courtship stage and marriage is not miles apart. Both stages require give and take, mutual respect and understanding, loyalty. If you fail in any of these in the courtship stage where you are supposed to be trying to project your best front, then how much more after marriage when you can easily take the other for granted?

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really. I was a bad GF in some of my relationships but I think I can say I am a success as a wife. hehe. I didn't hear complaints from hubby so I guess I am doing fine, by his standards.

    Anyway, being a good or bad gf/bf do not guarantee that the person will make good or bad wife/husband material. It all depends on how your partner viewed you in your courting days. Each one has a different mindset or standards on which he/she bases his ideals of a lifelong partner. Sometimes in your courting days, you do not give your all to a relationship or to your partner. But it is a lot different when you talk of a permanent relationship. There is this desire to give your all to make it work, to make it last, to make it an ideal alliance of two hearts.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not necessarily. Relationships fail because of a lot of reasons. It doesnt even mean just one party should be at fault for it to fail. There is culture, environment, emotions, finances.....

    Any relationship has its flaws. It would be up to an individual how to manage the partner and the relationship well, and to look for a compatible person to share that relationship with.

    Hope this helps.

    Source(s): Hahahahahaha @ Gindy =P
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Marriage is that next step where you get to make up for all your failings during the courtship period. So if, inspite of your faults and weaknesses at the rehearsal stage, you still get to march to the altar then count your blessings. You get another chance to fail (or pass) but this time the principal shows no mercy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It all depends on the reason as to why you failed. It could mean that you will fail as a marital spouse but not always so.

    For instance you may have failed as a bf/gf but it wasn't your fault. The person may have been with you for her own reasons unknown to you and in that instance there is nothing you can do and it is not your fault because the person never made you aware of the true reason as to why they were with you.

    On the other hand it could be your fault if you are immature and not responsible.

  • 1 decade ago


    being a GF/BF is the time to explore your relationship if you two are both compatible and comfortable with each other so if it fails then you are not.

    and being a husband/wife means you already know that you're compatible and comfortable with each other. so this time around is the time to be responsible and taking care of a relationship or making an effort to last forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not necessarily applicable to all. some bad Gf end up being the dream wife. Others may not handle a fleeting realtionship, like that of GF/BF, but can be a very good lifelong partner.

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Hi from Spain! No of course not! Life is a learning experience! The more we do the more mistakes we can make. Be optimistic! The person that never made a mistake, never made anything!

    Source(s): Common Sense!
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