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Your thoughts on Prop 8?

Just want to get a general consensus on what people think of it.

If possible I would like to see a Yes on Prop 8 voter give me a real reason behind it that's just not a disguised version of homophobia.


I'm sorry... did you just say people in Massachusetts are required to learn about Gay marriages in elementary school?

Could you provide me a link before believing such an outlandish tale?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1st off, there is no homophobia. Prop 8 defines marriage, PERIOD!

    1) there is no constitutional right to marry

    2) schools in Mass. are FORCED to teach children (as young as 5 years old) about gay marriage. Parents can't opt THEIR children out and parents have been arrested when they object! (This is not an "outlandish tale!" see interview on link)

    3) 4 activist judges overturned the will of millions of voters. What's next, your Honor?

    4) this is not a gay rights issue

    5) gays already have legal rights so the "no" groups argument in this area is baseless!

    Source(s): YES ON PROP 8
  • 1 decade ago

    The Superintendent of CA schools came out saying that gay marriage will NOT be taught in CA schools. It was taught in one Mass. school, by one teacher (hardly the whole state), but that was Mass. This is CA and they are different.

    Here are some arguments I'd like to see the "yes" people take up:

    - Prop 8 Takes Away Existing Rights. The CA Supreme court affirmed the right to marry whom one wants. Prop 8 would take away rights and treat people differently under the law.

    - Economics. CNBC stated that gay marriages bring in an additional $228 million to public funds in CA annually, and the Congressional budget office estimates $1 billion nationally.

    - Civil Rights. Until 1967 blacks and whites could not marry each other in many states. In 1967 the US Supreme Court overturned those laws, affirming marriage as a civil rights issue, "Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man'".

    - Religious Rights. The first of the American Bill of Rights confirms freedom of religion. No church would ever be forced to perform a gay marriage if they didn't want to. But those that want to can. Allow people to worship in their own way; that's American.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had thought we were done with state sponsored discrimination after the Supreme Court declared that "separate but equal" is NOT equal. Prop 8 is a disgrace to everything that this country stands for and against everything Martin Luther King worked so hard for and gave his life for.

    Pro-Prop 8 people will tell you we need to "protect marriage," the divorce rate is already 50%, so I'm not sure what there is left to protect.

    Bottom line is that Prop 8 is morally wrong and will fuel discrimination and hate in our state.

    Source(s): Californian voting NO on Prop 8.
  • 1 decade ago

    I find it fascinating to see how many people think that they can tell other people how to live their life. We are each individual people and in no way can I see how it will affect your rights or happiness. The problems lie in the fundamentalist religious groups. These are the people who are trying to govern our country for the past 8 years and look at what a mess we are having. They hate fundamentalist Islam, but from Islam to americas fundamentalist religious group it is just a slippery slope. To many hypocrites in religion is what I say.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've thought long and hard about it...... I'm a religious man

    But I can't come up with any senerio where Steve and Bill being allowed to get married would have any effect on the quality of my marriage, the marriage of my children or anyone else I know

    If anything, a group of people fighting so hard for that right restores my faith in the institution that has a 50/50 success rate among heterosexual couples

    Hell - maybe the success rate of marriages will go up

    I'm voting no

  • 1 decade ago

    Prop 8 NEEDS to be defeated.

    Why should the state have a say in who is allowed to marry who?

    It's outright socialism and discrimination to have the Government say that two people who love each other can't be married.

    The government needs to stay out of people's love life, private life, sex life, and out of people's personal decisions.

    This is a blatant attempt by the right to force their agenda on the people..

    Don't support Proposition 8.

    WHO is hurt by two people marrying each other?? WHO? No One...

    If God is against marriage, then let him deal with it when these people show up at the gates of heaven..

    Right wing Religious nutjobs think that they know more than God They want to be god.

    Defeat Proposition 8.

  • 1 decade ago

    We all started out as sperm, we are here because we won the race with millions of our brethren. Some of our brethren never got the chance to take part in the race, because they were wasted before they got the chance to try and some of our brethren were not just wasted, but wasted in the worst possible sodomic place imaginable. Those brethren want the chance to switch places with those who don't appreciate what they got from God and The Holy Seed of human life. Don't promote human seed in sick and disgusting places, that make even the jerks better than you. Vote Yes on Prop 8

    Source(s): Love between a man and a woman in procreation of life.
  • 1 decade ago

    No on Prop 8. We must show the Ultra Right Christians that they will not run this country!

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally find it to be a detestable waste of taxpayer dollars that only ensures continued discrimination.

  • 1 decade ago

    What happened to the phrase..."The Land of the Free"??

    Vote NO!

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