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last minute halloween costume; please helppp!?

soas you all know its halloween and i've got a party tonight where everyone is dressing up.

I originally was going to go as dennis the menace (even though im a girl hahaaa) and wear this black and red stripey top, black hotpants, knee high socks and converse with big curly hair and a catapul but now im having second thoughts...

recently i bought a big black skirt which im using as a petticoat/tutu for this dress i bought so i was wondering if i could create a character using this big poofy skirt?

i also have that black and red stripey t-shirt

long knee-high black socks

black shorts

and probably alot of things you mention so any ideas please and tell me character your suggestion i should dress up as


thankyouu xxx

& i have lots of make-up at hand...


can you also explain what you want me to do please ..

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    dead fairy

  • 1 decade ago

    Dress up as an 80's person from the movie "flash dance" where ppl are wearing headbands, half shirts and a skirt and legwarmers or tights which i think is cute and probably clothes that all ready have which is an inexpensive costume

  • 1 decade ago

    nothing to do with any of your stuff, but its funny.

    movie theater floor.

    put on a black top and pants, (or skirt if you want) and wrap duct tape around you sticky side out, not too tight so its easy to get off and stick random things on you, and pin things onto your skirt. like candy wrappers, run over to the movie theater quick and ask for some popcorn bags and a cup, if they'll give you a bucket cut a hole in it and put it on your head.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i've been saying this to a lott of girls on here but if you have bright cloths and make up plus legwarmers you could be a Harajuku Girl. bright layered clothing with a skirt, legwarmers and sneakers, pink blush && lips and bright eye shadow. hair in pig tails and you're done.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Goth ballerina

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i like the harajuku girl idea.

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