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Caity doodle

Favorite Answers10%
  • puppy hasn't gone potty in 18 hours!?

    We are house training our 5 month old puppy with the crate, or at least trying to. Since 6am yesterday morning (it is now 2am) she has been in her crate.. only leaving it to eat and go outside. She WILL NOT go outside. We've been outside at least every hour if not more often. I know she has got to but I don't know why she isn't going. How long will this take before she just goes? Is it healthy for her to have held it this long?

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • How busy till NYC be on September 11?

    I am going on a cruise leaving from NYC on September 11. We need to take a taxi from Grand Central to 711 12th ave at 55th street. I'm wondering how hard a taxi will be to get, how busy the city will be and if there will be lots of security.

    We need to be at the port by 12pm. How early should we arrive?

    2 AnswersNew York City9 years ago
  • Advice on moving to Orlando?

    My boyfriend and I are planning on moving to Florida. We love Disney World/Universal and want to live close to both. I may have a job waiting for me at City Walk so living close to there is a huge plus. We are looking to rent an apartment preferably less than 700 a month.

    We are both from Connecticut and looking for a warmer climate, my family is currently living in Jacksonville. Any advice about the job situation (I am in restaurants, and my boyfriend is in retail management), how much utilities are going to cost us and what not would be awesome. We are willing to look outside of Orlando as well so if anyone knows of other areas that'd be awesome too.

    4 AnswersOrlando9 years ago
  • Student applying for credit card?

    I've applied for credit cards everywhere.. you name it i applied.

    bank of america(my bank) said no.

    discover, american, express, and citi all said no.

    i'm a full time student so i'm only really working a part time job at best and they all say they give cards to students. but apparently not me.

    also there reasons are that i have too much outstanding debt. which would all be in the form of student loans. with are deffered for another 3 years and they all equal less than 10 grand.

    whats up with this? anyway i can get around it.

    6 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Tuesday June 30th. NYC?

    I'm going to nyc with my boyfriend on tuesday.. we're going for a yankee game that night but idk what to do in the morning.

    i tried tickets for the statue of liberty but thats sold out.

    i was thinking of going to madame tussauds.

    anyone have any other ideas? are any of the morning shows( GMA, today show) having concerts that morning? idk how to find any of them.

    any suggestions would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerNew York City1 decade ago
  • What to get my boyfriend for his birthday...?

    He is going to be 19.

    He likes: Golf, the yankees, video games, his 68 mustang.

    dont suggest yankee tickets.. his mom already got those.

    We've dating for almost 2 years.

    I want to get him something fun and creative but i cant think of anthing.

    i have about 2 weeks.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can I paint a bathtub?

    We want our bathtub to be white.. my mom thinks it can be painted but we cant figure out how. its beige now.

    8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Anyone know how much Invisalign Costs?

    anyone had invisalign???

    i want to get it.. im curious how much it costs.

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How do I tell if a ring is real?

    I was given a ruby/diamond gold ring for my eighteenth birthday by my grandmother. its very old.. my great great grandmothers engagement ring. Its in the original box i think. it says Theo Kartevold Jeweler 5718 fifth ave. brooklyn NY. I can't find anything about him. I was wondering if anyone knows how to tell if its real or if i should just take it to a jeweler. I dont want to seem like a fool if its just costume jewelry since its important to me.

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How can I lose weight by summer?

    I'm 18 years old and i started the pill about 5 months ago and it made me put on a little weight, that and the freshman 15. . late night pizzas are not good for the body.

    well i'm trying to lose weight for the summer and i'm not sure how to go about it. Generally my problem is that I work a lot so I don't have much time to work out, and i have to work at a local burger joint so that's not helping the cause either.

    Any weight loss products that actually work??

    Anything else anyone has tried that's worked?

    I can get to the gym usually 3-4 times a week and I think i eat pretty good when i'm not at work.

    any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I found a car i love.. is it a good deal?

    It's a 1996 Volkswagon Jetta, Black. It has 66,369 miles on it. The only thing it needs are rear shocks which the dealer is replacing tomorrow. The price is $5,400. Is this a good deal? Anything else I should look out for?

    Need more info???

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Do all hotels have an age restriction to 21 years old? Anyway to get around that?

    My boyfriend and I want to go NYC or hershey PA for a weekend. But we're both 18 and all hotels seem to have an age restriction to 21 years old. Is that just to book the room or to stay in it too? I called one hotel and they told me that at least one person over 21 needs to be staying in the room. And another said that just a person over 21 needs to book it, like my mom. Any one know the truth??

    8 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Best car to get for a first car?

    What kind of car should i get as my first car?

    I'm going to get a used car and hopefully spend no more than 5,000.

    What kind of car should I look for? What kind of mileage should it have?

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Fourth month of BC, Doube period?

    I'm on my fourth month of taking Necon and this is the second time i've had a sort of double period.

    the first time it happened it was the first month and the doctor said it was normal because my body is adjusting to the pills.. it didnt happen for two more months..

    about two weeks ago i missed a pill and 2 days later my period started..i wasnt at the end of the pack lasted probably 4 days, i continued taking the pill as normal then it stopped. and now i'm at the end of the pack and my period started again like its supposed to.

    should i be concerned? was the first period spotting from missing a pill??

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Small turtles that can live in a tank with other fish?

    my boyfriend wants a turtle for his aquarium. I've seen some small turtles that live in pretty small tanks but i dont know what they're called or where to find them.

    the tank he has is 10 gallons and he's got 5 other small fish living in it.

    i guess my questions are :

    are there any types of turtles that are very small, and stay small, that can live in a tank with other fish?

    And do they require an above water rock of some sort.

    are any turtles completely underwater living?

    where can i get one??

    what does it eat?

    price range?? ( i dont really want to spend more than $30)

    Reptiles1 decade ago
  • Cutting lettuce ahead of time...?

    I want to shred some lettuce ahead of time to eat during the week in salads. Will it get brown or icky if i do the entire head of lettuce? Or should I just shred it as i want it?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago

    Virgin Pregnancy??? how?? what happened?? i missed it!

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • ingrown hair or something else bad!?!?!?

    i think i have an grown hair. i was told to pull out the hair but i cant find a hair to pull out, so thats no good.

    the spot where it is is hard and when i squeeze it its about the size of a marble.

    im kinda worried about it. its on my bikini line so it gets irritated by my pants/underwear daily. i tried putting neosporin on it but that doesnt help.

    any ideas?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • owwwwww ingrown hair?

    I think i have an ingrown hair, last week i shaved my bikini line because i was going swimming, now i have a large, sore, hard red spot right where my underwear hits. is it an ingrown hair? is there anyway i can get rid of it? will it go away by itself? it really hurts!

    2 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago