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ingrown hair or something else bad!?!?!?

i think i have an grown hair. i was told to pull out the hair but i cant find a hair to pull out, so thats no good.

the spot where it is is hard and when i squeeze it its about the size of a marble.

im kinda worried about it. its on my bikini line so it gets irritated by my pants/underwear daily. i tried putting neosporin on it but that doesnt help.

any ideas?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd do what Klkl S said. he said to go on a site. You could also stop touching it if you do. The problem is I didn't understand where you have hair. Sorry!

  • 1 decade ago

    Most bumps down there are just trapped hairs. Make sure to exfoliate there it will help untrap the hair.

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