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bug bites while I’m sleeping?

Something has bitten me in my sleep 3 times now.  Once about every 10 days or so a huge quarter size lump shows up somewhere on my body after sleeping.  It’s only one bite and they’re all like almost 2 weeks apart, they don’t itch the first day or two then they itch like crazy until they’re gone.  I was thinking maybe a spider but I have no clue, any ideas what it could be and how do I stop it

6 Answers

  • Andy C
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Probably a spider bite.  Look for two adjacent bite marks.  The itching you describe sounds like a spider with necrotizing bacteria in its saliva. 

    Poison would itch immediately.   Bacteria take time to grow. 

    I have been bit twice by brown recluse AKA fiddleback spiders.  Both times were because I was in THEIR territory. 

    Those didn't itch much.  Those BURNED. Still have the scars 20 years later.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    You have guests living in your bed/mattress and they are hungry.  Change your bedding and put on a waterproof mattress cover ... Or get a new mattress.. 

    Bed bugs - flees 

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 weeks ago

    You have either chiggers bed bugs or cockroaches that are biting you in your sleep. 

  • 4 weeks ago

    Spider bites do not itch. It's probably either bedbugs or parasitic thrips.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    it could be bed bugs, ive had them, you might need to have an exterminator come in and heat treat your place, ive had that done and had to get rid of my bed and couch, i now sleep on an airbed, do that on purpose cause then they dont have a mattress to live on, never replaced my couch

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    That sounds like spiders. You can buy spider boards at home supply stores like Home Depot or hardware stores. They're pieces of cardboard with a sticky surface. Put them around the baseboards in your room- 2 or 3 should do the trick. Then watch to see what they capture.

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