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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsSkin Conditions · 2 weeks ago

How did humans avoid skin cancer and sunburns in the past when there weren’t houses ?

Because when I go in the sun for over 30 minutes I always get burned i have fair skin, but how did people thousands of years ago go hours  in the sun 

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4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    They used mud or charcoal on their skin, or they stayed in the shade, or wore clothing that protected them from the sun. You should watch Naked and Afraid, that will give you some idea of what life with out sun screen is like. 

    I have fair skin too. I have to apply sunscreen every 2-3 hours when I'm in the sun for long periods of time. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    White people with fair complexion originally lived in the extreme northern hemisphere where the sun intensity was low.  They were also outside all year round, so they had time to build up a summer tan as days lengthened in spring. 

  • Andy C
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    They didn't.   And shade has existed LONG before man.

  • 2 weeks ago

    maybe they used some kind of lotion to avoid sunburns

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