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Can you identify this rash?

I had arthroscopic knee surgery 7 days ago. Since then, this rash has rapidly developed. So far, I’ve been given fucidin but have stopped using it on the suspicion that it could be atopic dermatitis. Since then, I’ve been taking the antibiotic Sulfatrim DS 800/160 twice daily and using Betaderm cream. I’m not sure what this rash is. If anyone could help me identify it so I know how to proceed - betaderm can make certain rashes worse. Just looking for another opinion, and I will discuss this with a medical professional soon. The image below is my rash as it is today. My possible theory is infected eczema - not sure if it’s viral or bacterial. Any ideas? 

Attachment image

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    That looks so itchy, am guessing it's localised and maybe you have reactted to the anesthetic.. But hey don't mess go and see or call your doctor now if you haven't? .  If I remember I was given fucidene when I reacted to something at work and my face was a total unbearably itchy rash. I couldn't even open my eyes in the morning because the fluid seeping out around my eyes had dried them shut..  All my doctor did was give me antibiotics and anti histamines that did nothing really???? 

    The doctor couldn't help me, in the end I payed to go private and I saw a dermatologist   who said keep yourself well hydrated and told me how to take care of it. (She had DERMATITIS TOO) 

    What did help me was to gently wash it with warm camermile and detox myself with fresh ginger shots mixed with apple juice and honey..  In the end I found out I had reacted to an apoxy and that terrible rash that made my life hell for 2 months never came back... 

    Hope your better soon 

  • 4 weeks ago

    If you have it all over, I would suspect sulfa allergy. If it is restricted to your operative leg/site, then suspect local reaction to spray, ace wrap, antibacterial application, adhesive in drape cloths, etc to name a few.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Omg! ER NOW!             

  • 4 weeks ago

    I would be going to the ER.

    I would be worried about sepsis.

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    You need to see a Doctor TODAY. No way is that normal .

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