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owwwwww ingrown hair?

I think i have an ingrown hair, last week i shaved my bikini line because i was going swimming, now i have a large, sore, hard red spot right where my underwear hits. is it an ingrown hair? is there anyway i can get rid of it? will it go away by itself? it really hurts!

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It will not go away by itself and if you leave it be it can turn into a major infection.

    You have a couple options as to getting it out.

    The first would be to soak in warm water to soften the skin and make it easier to remove the hair. If any part of the hair is showing, take a pair of tweezers and pluck it. If none of it is showing, gently scrape across the top of the bump until the hair is revealed. Then pluck it.

    The second would be to make a paste of Epsom salts and water and apply that to the bump. That will draw out the hair. If that gets the hair totally out you can leave it be. If it only gets part of the hair out, once again, you will need to pluck.

    Now, once the hair comes out do not be alarmed if some pus or gunk follows. Just wash it and apply an antibacterial cream. Keep it clean and dry and it should heal up no problems.

  • Ghee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you can- or if you can get someone else to - try pulling the hair out with twezeers - put some anitbiotic ointment on it - and it should go away.

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