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Do all hotels have an age restriction to 21 years old? Anyway to get around that?

My boyfriend and I want to go NYC or hershey PA for a weekend. But we're both 18 and all hotels seem to have an age restriction to 21 years old. Is that just to book the room or to stay in it too? I called one hotel and they told me that at least one person over 21 needs to be staying in the room. And another said that just a person over 21 needs to book it, like my mom. Any one know the truth??

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It all depends on the hotel's policy. I stayed at two Holiday Inn hotels and was allowed to book and stay there at 18. I've also stayed at a hotel that I booked and when I got there they said I have to be 21. Luckily they gave me a break because I had no where else to stay. What you'll need to do is pick a couple hotels, call them and ask them what their policy is. Then, write down the names of the people you speak to. That way, if when you arrive, they say you must be 21, you have the name of the person who told you it was ok.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why don't you ask this question under "Law and Ethics because I'm kind of curious about exactly how a hotel could deny a room to people who are legally adults and of course can sign any and all contracts .

    What makes your question even more interesting is that NY State Law prohibits car rental companies from NOT renting cars to qualified 18 year old and older drivers

    One would think that a state that has laws that prohibit age discrimination in the car rental industry would also have laws that prohibit age discrimination in the hospitality industry

    Why don't you give the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs a call and see if they can help you

    1-212-NEW YORK

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    ...unfortunately recent insurance codes have made hotels-motels-condos go to a minimum age of 21 to rent a unit.The only way an exception is made is when the couple under 21 is married.

    Some small "mom and Pop" motels may rent to people under 21.But the major chains have started enforcing the 21 age rule.

  • 4 years ago

    Extended Stay America Age Policy

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  • 1 decade ago

    Most hotels do not want to rent rooms to people under 21 because people that young cannot legally be a signor to a contract.The same thing happens with car rentals. Do you or your boyfriend have your own credit card and look older than 21? If you don't tell the person taking the reservation your age, you may be able to book and stay in the room any way.

    Source(s): used to work in a hotel
  • 1 decade ago

    well if your not the age of 20/21 then no matter what you cant get the key to the room when you check in and check out they will know your not old enough ..try calling around more to see if the age can be 18....different states have different rules

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Haha no, i'm sixteen and that i nonetheless do no longer think of it extremely is previous... i think of that human beings sound previous as quickly as they hit 31. Like 30 is cool, and Idk that age only sounds applicable. 21, you're able to do each and every thing like tension, smoke, drink etc. i think of human beings might desire to have youngsters by making use of like 26 or youthful. so which you nonetheless have a while, esp. while you're in college! you may desire to have fun your birthday! Birthdays rock! you're celebrating your start no longer your age! Being alive! Whooohoooo. bypass existence :) Haha, yet only understand that to sixteen twelve months previous (and that i'm quite particular another age) 21 would not sound previous!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Was asking myself the same question

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