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Best car to get for a first car?

What kind of car should i get as my first car?

I'm going to get a used car and hopefully spend no more than 5,000.

What kind of car should I look for? What kind of mileage should it have?

4 Answers

  • BING
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    98 Acura CL

    98 Ford Mustang V6

    98 Honda Accord or Civic

    98 Nissan Frontier or Pathfinder

    98 Subaru Impreza or Legacy

    98-00 Toyota Corolla or Echo 00

    the average miles per year is around 12K to 15,000 per year. over that is considered excessive and should lower the price.

    these days a car will easily last 200,000 miles with proper care. Years ago 100K was considered the time to sell.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hindustani Motors Ambassador

    its raw

    Source(s): Wouldn't YOU like to know???
  • 1 decade ago

    whatever car you buy have it checked out by a mechanic well worth the money

  • Wolfe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    B BUG

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