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Fourth month of BC, Doube period?

I'm on my fourth month of taking Necon and this is the second time i've had a sort of double period.

the first time it happened it was the first month and the doctor said it was normal because my body is adjusting to the pills.. it didnt happen for two more months..

about two weeks ago i missed a pill and 2 days later my period started..i wasnt at the end of the pack lasted probably 4 days, i continued taking the pill as normal then it stopped. and now i'm at the end of the pack and my period started again like its supposed to.

should i be concerned? was the first period spotting from missing a pill??

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you cant feel like your doctor is answering your questions or that you cant talk openly about it with your doctor, than change doctors.... I think females should have female doctors for these things.... women understand women, and their questions.....

    find a new doctor ..... one that you can talk to and understand

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