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I found a car i love.. is it a good deal?

It's a 1996 Volkswagon Jetta, Black. It has 66,369 miles on it. The only thing it needs are rear shocks which the dealer is replacing tomorrow. The price is $5,400. Is this a good deal? Anything else I should look out for?

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4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A 13 year old VW???

    NO WAY!

    At least you asked before wasting your money on that pile of junk and coming back later with some post asking if there are refunds on used cars that are junk...

  • 1 decade ago

    ASk them to go down another 500 at least the car in EXCELLENT condition books for $4,900.00. Any small dents or scratches take the EXCELLENT right off and bring it down to good condition. Would def tell them to go down in price or maybe give you extended warranty or something for $500.00 at least. Ask for your free Carfax report as well, is it a clean title or salvage title? Check the tires, check for holes in the exhaust, make sure there is no bucking in the transmission on your testdrive. Good luck with your new car.

  • 1 decade ago

    If its your first car, go for it. But if you are getting it for a long term car, you should try to find a better car.

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds pretty good to me. make sure that under the car there isnt a lot of rust. if theres a little thats okay.

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