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Advice on moving to Orlando?

My boyfriend and I are planning on moving to Florida. We love Disney World/Universal and want to live close to both. I may have a job waiting for me at City Walk so living close to there is a huge plus. We are looking to rent an apartment preferably less than 700 a month.

We are both from Connecticut and looking for a warmer climate, my family is currently living in Jacksonville. Any advice about the job situation (I am in restaurants, and my boyfriend is in retail management), how much utilities are going to cost us and what not would be awesome. We are willing to look outside of Orlando as well so if anyone knows of other areas that'd be awesome too.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My best advice is contact a realtor in Orlando and ask if they can send you listings of rentals in the Orlando area. You'll be able to see what you can get for $700.00. I hate to tell you, but Orlando area is expensive unless you live in a bad part of town. You're better off looking on the outskirts. City Walk isn't going to pay much and that's if you're even lucky enough to get hired. Same with retail.

    The economy hit Florida hard, and NASA just shut it's doors, so over seven thousand people lost their jobs. The job market is really bad.

    As far as utilities, that depends. I mean that's like saying how much will we spend on groceries. It depends on if you live in a older place that isn't very energy efficient, and how much you'll be using the electric, water, etc. Will you splurge for cable t.v. internet, and phone service?

    I hear a lot of people say "I'm moving to Florida" and don't have a good plan before they get here. Before I moved here I flew down, secured a job, and had money saved to get me through a couple months. You'll have expenses that you don't think of, like security deposits, getting your drivers license switched to a Florida license, getting your car tags switched to Florida plates. All this stuff is not cheap. I'm not trying to discourage you from moving here. Just be prepared to know that the job market sucks, people are rude, and you're not going to find a really nice apartment to rent for $700.00.

  • 9 years ago

    The job market stiill is very bad in Orlando. Do not even think of coming here, unless you and your b/f friend have real jobs lined up or you will just get on the unemployment line.. Just ask anyone how many restaurants and sores have closed and how many people have left the area.

  • 9 years ago

    Orlando is a beautiful city but it also has alot of bad parts so be very careful if you find a cheap apt online without seeing the area first because if its so cheap its most likely in the ghetto... good luck!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There are always jobs for the skilled or educated. There are a lot of nice apartments around all 3 of the major parks. Pull up the Orange County crime map to check statics in any location. Most of Western, Eastern and South Orange county are fine.

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