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Anonymous asked in TravelUnited StatesOrlando · 2 months ago

What is the price for a 3 day trip to Walt Disney World? ?

I am planning a trip to Walt Disney World. I live in South Carolina. I would be driving there. I have a family of 3. It will he a 3 day trip. We will be visiting the park for 2 days. And just enjoying the sites of Florida the other day. We will probably eat at a nice place at Disney World at least one meal. I have never been, so I was curious on what to expect as far a price range. 


My plans are to go in the Fall. I would also like to see th beaches in Florida. 

4 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    you have not allowed enough time to go sightseeing ..your family will love disney and the time will fly from uk ..i drive to daytona beach ..down to miami ..on to key west ..up again and across alligator alley ..naples up  to destin ..and i forgot to mention kennedy ..fantastic 

  • 2 months ago

    When we go to WDW (from Louisiana) we usually stay at the Hilton hotel just outside Downtown Disney.  The hotel is officially "off site" but it is connected to the WDW transportation system and has a Disney ticket office in the hotel. 

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 months ago

    That depends on the time of year and if you find a deal or not

  • Cogito
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Go to the WDW website and do a lot of research.  They have hotel (resort) prices, which differ according to the dates you're going, restaurant and fast food prices so you can decide which suits you best.  You could also stay off-property, but then you'd need to allow an extra hour's traveling time each way.

    But you say you'll visit 'the park'.  There are four theme parks, each of which are huge and would take up a whole day.  You'll have to decide which one (or two) you want to see the most. 

    And Florida is a very big state.  You'll have to decide whether you want to see the ocean or something else.  In one day you'll not get to see many different sights.

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