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Lv 4
neil asked in SportsCricket · 1 decade ago

What are your opinons/views on this article?


The issue is it moral and ethical for a board to have so much pull that they can seek to have the rules changed for special circumnstances. It is not Harbjhain skill or talent as an athlete that is letting him recover to play, but it is a usually banned substance. In NRL (rugby leauge) in Australia teams have seeked to have this in the past, but it has been shot down straight away by the controling bodies because it is seen as, dare I say it, cheating.

Dont bring up Warne cause he was busted for a Diauretic, not perfomance enchaning, but he was still a bloody idiot for it and his repuation was servley tarnished.

How should Shoilab Aktor feel at the moment, did all the PCB have to do is seek permission and all would be OK?

Update 2:

Jabber, if thats the case: minor" banned substance contained in an otherwise legal medicine" Well thats exactly what Shane Warne was suspended for, a banned substance that is a legal medicine, can you see the paralell here? When McGrath injured his ankle in 2005 and we lost the ashes it was largley due to McGraths absence. Im sure if he used steriods he would have been back sooner and we may have won that series, but I dont agree with the route that would have to be taken to get him fit in theroy or principal.

Update 3:

Bill P/ Julia- while I agree that other teams theaten to pull out of the tour when things arent "catered" to their needs, its not in the Aussie demenour to kick up a stink and take ya bat and ball and go home when things are tough.

ICC have to show some spine.

Update 4:

Jabber - It is enhancing his performance, other wise under normal condtions he wouldnt be playing without the use/aid of a PERFROMANCE ENHANCHING DRUG!!!

Update 5:

Jabber it cleary states in the first sentce "to have an injection of Depo-Medrol, an anti-inflammatory drug which contains a usually banned steroid."

There is your banned substance.

15 Answers

  • cossy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    what next all injured sportsmen taking banned drugs to get over their injury

    geez you can just imagine the huon cry from our sub continent friends if it was say ponting doing that . this forum would be abuzz with accusations of cheating i can just imagine it

    no i don't agree with it is it a case of the cricket bully bcci throwing its weight about

    they do seem to go out on a limb a lot for him

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If they are prescribed by a reputable physician and the medication is in line with the game's drug code, then there would be no problem. If this would see a breach of the code then he obviously couldn't use that drug. Personally, I don't think they will take the chance. Play an extra bat to make it harder for us to win.

    Edit: Julia, if cancelling the tour is what is required, go for it. We could use a break anyway before the South Africans come and it would be great to see these blokes play in the Sheffield Shield. Maybe this is what we need to do. See if CA has any cojones.

  • I guess in theory, if it is approved then so be it. Nothing we can do about it. Although I would have my doubts that all other avenues of fixing the toe have been sought in such a small amount of time? To approve this is going to set such a precedent that it could end up being more trouble in the future. Can't wait to see what will happen if another team tries this that doesn't have the same power as the BCCI....

    A minor banned substance? There is no such thing. It is either banned or not banned. V simple....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This issue isn't that big because ICC is strict in steroids policy, so they have approved this case means it must be a "minor" banned substance contained in an otherwise legal medicine.

    By minor I mean-- not sufficiently effective enough to "enhance performance" and ICC must have approved it only conisdering that. BCCI didn't "bullied" them in this matter, they only asked them if Bhajji can use it or not, its by PERMISSION, on the other hand Warne did not "consulted" ICC before using the drug.

    one example-- Umpire is responsible for giving it out or not-out and not the player who's appealing!

    In this case ICC is umpire.

    But in the report that you gave link to, there's no mention of what drug is being prescribed and what is "that" substance so I think we don't have enough info to question the credibility of ICC's decision!

    Oh yes the name of the DRUG is there but the name of that particular "banned substance CONTAINED in that drug", is not there! which is what I meant to say.

    Anyways, its about opinion and I won't say right or wrong but I just feel the ICC's drug testing experts would be knowing more about the "substance" in question than we know.

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  • 1 decade ago

    As a Canadian I know nothing nor do I care about the politics of this situation. IMO If an athlete is prescribed any medication to help him heal, banned or not, as long as his drug test is clean after the injury has healed, why would there be a problem? Clean drug test= he plays

    Source(s): common sense
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Seriously ICC needs to be disbanded, as long as they make ridiculous decisions like this, if not the sport in general will have to endure severe losses or else a new form of discrimination and bullying will gradually emerge in the cricket world.

    Edit: Is the news source reliable?Haven't seen it on cricinfo yet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here we go again, Big Brother standing over ICC to get it's way.Don't tell me they just 'asked nicely' for permission to use the banned drug, they would have told ICC 'this is how it will be'.Just imagine if this were Aussies trying this on? I agree with everything you say.In my opinion, Australia should protest.

  • he's toe probab;y isnt even that bad.

    just an excuse to use drugs

    just take a friggin panadol drink a cup of cemen and harden the funk up Bhaji

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes it is good that he is taking steroids for his injury and now he will recover quickly and streroids can be used if used as medications .

    i see no problems in using steroids as long as champion is fit .

  • 1 decade ago

    Good .. other wise india will be in trouble

    Source(s): kashikooler979.,brain
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