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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsPhysics · 1 decade ago

can black holes stop being black holes?

large black holes are so massive that their gravity is crushing, and the mass of anything they swallow is an afterthought compared to their own mass. but what about small black holes? i seem to remember reading an article ( the magazine name escapes me) about a project at CERN to create and observe black holes.

now, we all know that theoretically a black hole depends on density, not mass, and that and mass if it takes up a small enough space can create an event horizon.

so my question is, if we were to create a small black hole would it be possible for it to be...."quenched"? to fill its sphere of influence with a mass that it would be unable to crush and add to its own mass, thereby ending its life as a blackhole?

forgive any mistakes i made in my thought process, its been a while since physics!

14 Answers

  • Jamfo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually yes. The theory is that any black hole, small, medium, or large, will eventually be quenched through a loss of entropy. Large black holes will last for billions of years. But small, microscopic black holes, the type postulated about at the CERN LHC, would fade rather quickly.

    This entire process involves a very specific type of disintegration known as Hawking Radiation.

    I've included some sources for your information.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As it stands right now the Large Hardon Reactor can create small black holes.

    The reason that no rational person worries is that these holes will be so small that they will collapse onto themselves within a millionth of a second.

    So to answer your question, Yes, theoretically a black hole can cease to exist and stop being a black hole.

    But since black holes are such an anomaly to physics no one really knows. It's all guesses based on the limited information the scientific community has at this time.

    Edit: Also, the people who are saying that its impossible for a black hole to be anything but a blackhole don't know what they are talking about. They are assuming that because something is massive that it is unchangeable. It's very possible that these black holes do dissapear.

    Imagine the billions of year that the universe has existed. in that time frame we should consider that it is feasible that a black hole has come into and disappeared from existence.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a good cheap read.

    I read couple of articles on what could theoretically happen. But it's all theory as we actually haven't been able to observe a black hole forming or reversing.

    The one school of thought is that a black hole is a gateway to another dimension. Not a lot of scientist give the a lot of credibility as the gravity in the black hole will pretty much obliterate anything going through.

    The second is basically.

    Think of the black hole a a giant lung. It breathes in pulling in air, dust, pollen what have you then when the lung is full, you exhale pumping it all out as well as some new things that where made with reactions inside your lungs.

    But in the case of the hole, it pulls in light planets, pretty much anything that gets too close. Eventually, it breaths out and you have a big bang. the universe starts spreading out and things start all over again.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I am correct I believe not. Since a black whole devours and crushes everything it comes in contact with it will only get larger. It's like if you eat a bunch of donuts all the time your not going to lose weight only gain it. I believe it is the same theary with black holes. However I have been known to be wrong before. If you look into how many astronomers have found black holes via telescope it is a very large amount. Since a black whole is created by an exploding star and we can only see so far into space then how will we ever truly know. But i believe that no they cannot just "go away"

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  • 7 years ago

    Black Holes do not exist. No Probe or spacecraft has ever been near one and no person on planet Earth has ever seen one up close. It's the most ridiculous theory known and dumb sheeple actually believe what they have been told by scientists and astronomers that Black Holes exists when in fact they never seen one and all they are doing is verifying their own version of results and data and shoving it in our faces and making want us to believe in this fantasy called black holes.

  • Bubuh
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Only problem is that no one really have any good physics behind black holes. Meaning they don't know exactly what the hell kind of physics go on in black holes since its really weird.

    Now I don't know anything about this guy named Bob or even met him. How the hell would I know what his favorite ice cream would be? Or how well he'd do playing piano?

  • 1 decade ago

    Im waiting for the day where scientists are so smart they lack common sense and they accidentally destroy the earth. Ill laugh and then probably be sucked into the black hole laughing until I either get vaporized or pulled apart into kazillions of pieces.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "forgive any mistakes i made in my thought process, its been a while since physics!"

    Hmm look at this way. Can you stop being what you are?

    Btw why are you even thinking about this. Blackholes don't effect you :)

  • 1 decade ago

    It's impossible for a black hole to be anything but that. It has become a huge, massive hunk of suction, and it can't change that one bit if it wanted to.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's like the cats out the box and can not go back. You just have to live with it. Don't take things so seriously.

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