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for those of you who don't understand the Immaculate Conception. what do you think of this video?

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That was a beautiful video, thanks for posting it. God Bless you my sister

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you. I could only watch about 22 seconds, because of buffering but it looked lovely. I do believe.

    Source(s): Catholic
  • Doug
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh I understand it alright I just don't think it was an immaculate conception; seems more plausible to me that she was a whore but didn't want Joseph (or any one else) to know so when she got pregnant she claimed it was a miracle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do understand it enough to believe it....thanks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    5 minutes of my life that i'm not gonna get back wasted for the most crappiest nursery rhyme i ever heard. I wonder, is somebody that idiot to believe that crap ? If yes then this world deserves to be destroyed.

  • 1 decade ago

    hm mm I could only watch a min or so of it because the stuff I seen was not true .

    First of all Mary was a sinner , just like all of us , no if, ands and buts .

    The 4 Gospels are not about mary in the least , the whore that had demons cast out of her was mention as much as mary . Mary was not even the first to see Christ resurrected the Whore was . Who was named Mary also .

    Paul does not talk about Mary in his letter , Nor does Peter or anyone else .

    How the Catholics made a Idol out of her , could have only originated out of Hell itself .

    Satan is the liar and the father of all lies .

    I have seen Jesus Christ in a vision , But mary had never appeared to me or ever will , not unless Satan makes himself look like her .

    Mary was only a vessel of flesh , nothing more , she was a good woman , to raise Christ , but that's it .

    If she was of any importance , she would have been in the mount of transfiguration , when moses and Elijah , and when Christ was transfigured .

    Mary was not among them , she is not mention again after she raised Christ hardly at all .

    She did her part , as any Christian , and nothing more .

    I don't pray to moses , I don' pray to paul , they are just men , like simon peter said after God healed a man when he looked on peter .

    Peter said don't look on us , like by our holyness we did this .

    No man is Holy , not marry , not Peter , not you not me . Only Christ .

    Mary is not mentioned , no one prayed to Mary when she walked the earth , no one went to mary when Jesus was here on earth to get Jesus favor .

    So why would anyone pray to her now , they did not do it when Jesus was on earth ?

    If Jesus wanted us to pray to mary , He would have set the standard on earth when mary and Him was here .

    But Jesus did not , so all this has been dreamed up by some foolish man , inpisred not by Christ , who is the truth , but Satan .

  • Ant
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    sorry you want me to waste 5 minutes of my life watching that crap, if you know the story of marry you would know she had other children from her first husband.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand that it's mythology and nothing more.

    Why can't you understand that?

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand it, I just think it never happened.

  • Donna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I understand it, I just don't believe it.

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