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Do i Have any reasons for concern. Wife is a different woman since the kids?

Man where do i start, First off i am a unbelievably nice guy who loves the hell out his family, at sometimes im probally to nice to a fault, and i think that sometimes my wife plays on that. This is gonna be long folks so please be prepared to read.

Me and my wife have been married for 5 years but together for 8years, I love that woman with all my heart and soul but here lately things have been different. i dunno know how to explain it it just feels weird, i know theres no cheating going on at all she would never do that. its just when you been with someone for so long you know when something isnt right. I will do any and i do mean anything for that woman, its like im put on this earth to make her happy. and when shes not happy i feel that i have failed and then im not happy,

We are both 32 and have recently relocated to texas(more on that later) we have 2 lil girls that we both adore. And as much as i love them sometimes i think thats whats wrong, let me paint a picture for yall. Back in the day when it was just me and her we had so much fun together, we are both so simple. Awsome stuff for us was doing stuff like hoing to best buy and lookin at tv or buying cd's going to target and k mart then going to movies and dinner, i know sounds lame, but its what we loved, back then we were so passionate and in love it was sick.

Fast foward to current times we know have 2 lil girls, literraly lilttle 2 years old and 10 months old. they really take up all of our time, when one is crying the other needs their diaper changed, one is hitting the other one, arrrgghh! my house is a mad house. over the past 2 years me and my wife have argued more times than the first 6years i mean all we do is bicker and fight then not talk to eachother all day and all that stupid stuff. and im not a fighter at all, its not in my charcater

And sometimes i'll say im sorry to her even though i know i didnt do anything wrong, just so we can start communicating again. Its just so weird i finally told her the other day thats she's not the woman i marrired and she kinda just was like whatever.

We have sex maybe once a month and i feel so much pressure to perform thats its un-nerving, when ever i go to touch her or kiss her, she's doesnt seem to be into it. but she always assures me that its noting wrong or that i think to much and that she is crazy tired dealing with the girls (and im alway like and im not, because im a very hands on dad). And i understand that she is tired because i am also tired.

But what she has to understand is that she is married and she has to sacrafice and make time for us. Yes i know our girls come first but its like im not even there sometimes.

We just moved to texas about 2 months ago because her job relocated us. I was a lil apprehensive at first because i have been a Peace officer for 4 years and i worked hard to get that job. and i really didnt wanna give it up, but hey i had to do what i had to do because of my family. well anyways as were moving im told that "oh by the way my moms moving down there with us because she cant stand to be away from the babies" and im like ughhh ok.

So know its os weird at home because there are times where my wife wont even talk to me its all about her mom. we will be downstairs watching tv and i'll try to talk to her and she's like um hum, yep, i dont know... 5 mins later shes like well im going upstairs to see mommy. i kid u not she transforms into a whole nother person, they all up there talking laughing having a ball all loud and im like well damn... i can tell her something like we need to start doing such and such, she will be like hummm maybe.. her mom will say the same exact thing i said like a day later and shes all u are so right im gonna do it tommorow, and im like huh!!

Folks i know this is extremely long, im just so confused. i know she still loves me and i obviously love her, i just know that its diffrent know, and i tottaly dont know what to do pleeeaasseee help me!!!

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like a case of postpartum depression to me. It sometimes happens with the baby.

    Next, your wife is no longer a carefree woman because she's now a mother. You shouldn't be the same man you were when you were both first married without kids. That means you aren't being a good husband. There are tons of responsibilities and real worries now upon both of your shoulders! You have three little human beings who depend on you for everything. One simple mistake could cost one of them their life.... that's how it should have changed you as well.

    Back to postpartum... she needs to be honest and she needs a doctor. It's normal and common and it makes people act quite weird. Makes them generally very unhappy and act far out of character for her. She might even think she's a bad person because she is feeling this way. A good example is that old model named Brook Shields took over two years to admit that she had been suffering for so long and finally got help.

    It is always going to be different after having kids, but her wanting her mommy isn't normal. She might be willing to listen to her mom more because of the postpartum, you are the man who made her have a kid and made her feel badly. Of course that's not true, but that may be what she is feeling.

    Get her to the doctor, go with her, and explain what you have seen going on. Make the doctor listen! If that doesn't help, time to start in couples therapy or marriage counselor to get to the root of the problem. She's the only one who knows what that is. But having three kids ages 2 and 10 months would make me nuts. I wouldn't be a happy woman with all those little ones running around. It's rough to say the least. So give her a little bit of time. Get two of them out of diapers and it will be just a touch easier.

    Relax and give her some time. Talk her mother in to helping you get some alone time with her. Get her mother on your side and you'll get somewhere with your wife. Have her help talk your wife into a date night weekly while grandma takes care of the kids. Have her try to find out of postpartum is a problem, even if she doesn't think so, doesn't mean she's right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK . I am a 33 year old woman with 2 children also. Children take up alot of time and energy. My children now are 12 and 10. My marriage went through some rough times when they were small. My whole life was my children. They always needed something. I also had a job, so that left little time for romance. I worked from 6-2 and he worked from 3-11. So he was in bed when I left in the morinig and I was in bed when he came home. Things were very hard and very strange. The only thing that I can tell you is that as the children get older things should get easier. In the mean time make arangements for someone to keep the kids over night. Even if you just stay home. Try to make it a night to remember. My marriage now it almost back to the way it was before are children came. We are like young kids in love again. It is great.

  • 1 decade ago

    Much like you i sincerely don't think she is cheating on you. What it seems like is that yes she has changed but so have you. Having children means different things to different people and the kind of parent that you want to be is largely a reflection of the kind of parents you had. Your wife is in the parent mode now and feels that this is a new and unique stage of her life. Whereas before she was purely concerned with you as a wife, now there is extra pressure because she has a inbuilt direction that she wants to take her life and be as a parent to her kids. So for her it is so much easier to default to her mum because she is the experienced one and you too are learners. Even though her mum had to learn the hard way too. What you need to do is to show your wife on a subconscious level that you believe that you and her can handle being parents. Its great that your a hands on dad. Plenty of dads couldn't care less about that sort of stuff. Here are my suggestions.

    1 Don't initiate any physical contact accept for a quick kiss or hug and always complement her on the job she did or is doing with the kids that day.

    2 Become an absolute guru in something important in the bringing up of the children. i.e. learn to cook healthy meals, learn about health and medicine, make some kids toys, find out about education and classes for parenting in the area.

    3 Don't bring up the past to compare it to today other then to say only the good things that happened. Don't think or talk about them as if in regret of how its changed because those times will come back but not as frequently because they cant, your life is so much fuller now.

    4 Take advantage of the positives that having her mother there. Babysitting, parenting advice, an outlet for your wife.

    5 and lastly whenever you are asked a serious question, be honest but considerate and realize that your wife is listening to what you say and feels sure of it when her mom has backed it up.

    Really it is all about building her confidence. She new how to be a good girlfriend/ wife to you but now there is a balancing act. Just as important though make sure you are growing as a person and a dad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    stop taking things so seriously. she still loves you very much. but since the arrival of the twins, the family dynamics have changed. once a woman gets into mommy mode it is often hard to turn off and get romantic. she's probably very frustrated and tired by the end of the day. maybe you could plan a romantic weekend getaway. ask her mom to keep the children. the two of you need some alone time to reconnect and re-evaluate yalls priorities and future plans. having children can really put a strain on a marriage, especially when they are very young. it is very important for you to be patient and understanding at this time. offer as much support as you can. maybe you could offer to fix dinner and a nice hot bubble bath. then give her a nice massage. it may make her more receptive to your advances if she is totally relaxed. letting her have a day off from caring for the kids is a good idea also.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Parents of very young children do lack sleep and find themselves feeling aggravated. Remember only you can make you happy. You definately need to start communicating, but it may take some counselor to help you do it properly.

    There has been big changes in your and her life. Try relaxing and breathing. Be patient. Bring her flowers(could be picked out of yard) or do something special just for her. Let her find little love notes, maybe that would help you get her to understand that you too need a little attention once in a while. Give her a break from all the duties for a day with taking care of the girls. You do them instead. Good luck

    Source(s): Married 40 years
  • 1 decade ago

    The second guy said it. Tell her, not us. Sometimes, when I'm having an issue with my husband, I write him a letter. There are times when I tell him straight up, and we get side tracked on different issues. If I write him a letter, and let him read it in front of me, we seem to stay focused on the real problem.

    Try going out on a date. Take advantage of mom-in-law living with you and leave the kids overnight with her. Go to dinner and stay at a hotel. Spice things up. There comes a time in all marriages where, no matter how much you love your spouse, things will start to drag. I can't tell you what is going on in her head, but it may be a phase. I've done it before. Where I have no interest in sex, or conversation, or anything for that matter. My husband will get on my nerves for whatever reason and I'll just push myself away. One of the things that also helped our marriage out was time apart. I would go out with the girls, or he would watch football with the guys, and always we would look forward to spending that next day together. Time apart always drew us closer.

    Things will work out. Give it time, and make sure that you are BOTH working hard to make things straight again. Good luck to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds to me like you need to talk things over, and she needs to understand how you feel. Tell her honestly and openly that you feel uneasy, and tell her you want things to be better between you two.

    Being married is a big responsability, and it is a lot of work. But it takes "two to tango"...not just one. You need to have some "couple time", far from the kids and your MIL. Intimacy is very important in a marriage, and you must try to be on the same page.

    Seek professional help if you think she cannot understand what you are feeling. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think she may be taking you for granted because you are such a nice guy towards her. Im not real sure how to get her to appreciate you more, but maybe let her know that you're putting forth more effort in this marriage and you're not receiving any back. If that doesn't work, maybe become a little distant and see how she reacts.

  • Ghira
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your challenge isn't the kids, it's your MIL.

    Your family moved to a new area, you left a job you worked hard to get, and instead of deepening your bond with your wife and depending on her during this transition, she turns to her mom.

    You may want to go to marriage counseling because she hasn't cut the apron strings (did she even ask if you were okay to have your mom live with you?).

    She's not talking to you or treating you as an equal in this relationship.

    The therapist could help in your sexual matters, and a date night could help spur conversation!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have your mother in law watch the girls for a weekend, and take your wife to a motel and a night on the town. Make it a surprise. Time for just you two. There would be plenty of opportunity to reconnect and talk privately about how you miss her and the connection you used to have.

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