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A Bridge Loan to the Big 3?

Another bridge to nowhere?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You got it


    And I hope to hell that Obama has enough sense to know


    A bad apple when he sees it


    And the American auto industry is such an apple


    Or else their sales would not be as they are


    There is Honda plant in Marrysville Ohio and a Toyota plant out side Montgomery Ala that are doing just fine


    Why not Detroit big 3


    They don't know how to make a good car anymore


    Corporate greed


  • Bub
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is a quote from an email I received recently and explains it well I think - "Despite what you may be hearing, we are not asking Congress for a bailout but rather a loan that will be repaid.

    The consequences of the domestic auto industry collapsing would far exceed the $25 billion loan needed to bridge the current crisis. According to a recent study by the Center for Automotive Research:

    • One in 10 American jobs depends on U.S. automakers

    • Nearly 3 million jobs are at immediate risk

    • U.S. personal income could be reduced by $150 billion

    • The tax revenue lost over 3 years would be more than $156 billion"

    It is imperative that we not let the automakers fail. It would be folly to allow them to fail.

    Be American, Buy American, from American based companies. Peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont think so, I think it will help in way that benefits everyone. I also believe the money is not on a "blank check either" there needs to be strong stipulations tied to the loan. Things such as executive pay, types of vehicles to be researched and so on. I also believe that if we do let them fail we need to get ready for a huge ripple effect in lost jobs and wand businesses beyond the core auto industry. it will affect makers of raw materials, chemical companies, engineering firms, local governments (loss of tax revenue) local businesses (less goods being purchased). right now the dominoes are stacked and ready to fall. we need to stop them all together or have a plan for when they start, once it starts it can't be stopped. Unemployment will need to be propped up in a major way.

    Source(s): What ever we do, we need a good plan. We can't just stand by and do nothing
  • 1 decade ago

    No, it's a Bridge to Terabithia. A magical, fantastic place.

    Oh wait, I just remembered how that movie ends!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wrong! Its a congressional bridge to advanced socialism if not foreclosed!

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