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4 pages paper on the social processes and/or implications of consumerism in the United States.?

I just need help on general idea of writing this paper. I'm bad at writing and its due tomorrow!

Discuss how consumerism is impacting the social world in the United States. As a foundation to your paper, you must use a theory or concept (which I don't know)

1) identify theory/concept; 2) define theory/concept; 3) discuss why this particular theory/concept has been chosen; 4) apply to the United States through at one substantive example (include why the example was chosen and discussed); 5) discuss outcomes or repercussions of consumerism using this particular theory/concept; 6) discuss whether consumerism is either good or bad for the United States (in your opinion); and 7) explain why.

Thanks so much!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look at the current economic fallout of spending what we don't have (buying on credit). People bought homes they couldn't afford and made other risky investments all for the abilility to accumulate more meaningless, material possessions.

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