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What setting do you put a baked potato on?

I want a real baked potato. I'm gonna wrap in in reynold's wrap. What temp do I put it on and for how long?

I usually microwave them because it's quicker.


I don't want to microwave them. Can't put reynold's wrap in the microwave....

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Kind of depends on the size of the potato.........

    Small to medium: 375 for about an hour

    Medium large to large: 400 for about 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs........

    And I totally agree with you NOT wanting to microwave them......although, you CAN give them a 'jump start' of 4 minutes in the microwave and THEN put them into a preheated oven.....Bake for 1/2 my recommended time......


    Source(s): I was professionally trained at Le Cordon Bleu and have been a private family chef here in North San Diego County for years......
  • 1 decade ago

    400F - 1 hour wrapped in foil, BUTTTTTT cover the washed potato in olive oil and rock salt for a yummy skin.

    Also, to speed up the cooking process, cut the potato lengthwise, almost all the way through before wrapping it in foil.

    Here's a neat trick for everyone: You can inserp a steel nail (seriously) into the very centre of the potato because the steel picks up the heat and helps cook the potato from the inside, out. Obviously,...remove the nail before serving (sigh)


  • M.B.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Depends on the size of the potato, but we generally do it at 350 for an hour. We don't wrap it in anything though, just goes straight into the oven. Don't forget to poke it!

  • 1 decade ago

    400 for about an hour. If you like the skin to get crispy don't use the reynolds wrap. Just put it in the oven unwrapped.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I do mine at a very low setting in the microwave (then the microwave run it`s full course) - if you want them crisp on the outside, finish them off in the oven....they are much cheaper and quicker done this way in these days of high fuel costs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well it depends, when i want them done fast I bake them at 400 for about an hour and half...depending on size, just squeeze them, if they are soft theyre done. Don't over cook them, they taste funny to me when over cooked. I also wash them, put butter all over the skin and salt and pepper the skin, its tastes better to me. Good luck! I also have cooked then at 250 for 3 hours, that worked as well. You just got to eye ball it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I bake them at 400 F for an hour.

  • ED
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    350F for 1 hour

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