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What can i do to stop my boss is getting annoyed at me for taking time off?

I am seeing a doctor for depression and have to take an afternoon off once a week. He has a strong views against people with depression, so I don't want to tell him the reason i am seeing a doctor as he is getting annoyed and is making it difficult for me at work.


My doctor works 9 to 4 and only in my area on a thursday.

And no i am not just ringing into work taking a sick day!

And screw you becca!

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell your boss that you have a weekly doctors appointment.

    Get a note from the doctors office stating that you have a weekly appointment and what time it is.

    Try to keep the appointment at the same time every week.

    If you have sick or PTO time, use it.

    If you don't you may have to use vacation time.

    Speak to him, and vaguely tell him that you are going to therapy and that you need the time off for this.

    I am not sure where you live but I am pretty sure that across the country the laws are quite similar and your employer cannot with hold any medical treatment you may need.

    If you aren't comfortable talking to your boss about this then I would suggest speaking with your HR rep and seeing what they can do for you.

    Your fear of telling your boss why you need the time off looks bad on your part. As a manager when an employee acts like they are hiding something (whether or not it is to protect their privacy) it really makes the employee look deceitful.

    Depending on the type of work you do it may be possible for you to change your schedule at work to accommodate this.

    Source(s): Five years in management.
  • 1 decade ago

    Try to make up the time. Can you come in earlier on that day or Do a half day on Saturday? Can you do some work from home? That way you will appear more productive with the ti me you put in at work.

    Since you're not telling him the reason why he just sees an employee not pulling his weight. We all have issues.

    I am an Epileptic and i have to have my blood drawn frequently to check my medication levels. If the Lab Line is long I call into work to see if I'm needed. One time, I was needed and I had to call the Market manager while standing in the Hall outside the lab. I had to tell him "I don't have that information in front of me but I will shortly". He then asked me "Why don't you have this information in front of you?" (it's a fair question) And I straight told him "Because I am Calling from a Courtesy phone from ____hospital, but I will be in shortly"

    All is fine because I make a consistent effort to be available to my company and my higher ups know it.

    All I am saying sweatheart is, make up time and work as best you can.

    EDIT I understand Depression. People mistakenly think Chronic Depression is Chronic Sadness and your inabliity to 'snap out of it' when really, it is a complete loss of Hope. A sense of Hopelessness can be the most burdensome state of mind known to man.

    Source(s): Have known Chronically depressed people in life.
  • Lori
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Explain to your boss that you need to be off for a medical appointment (you do not need to tell him what the appointment is for or why you are seeing a doctor). Offer to come in early, or stay late on days when you don't have the appointment. Talk to your boss, and show that you will try to minimize the impact of your absence. Chances are that if you show that you are willing to work to minimize the impact, your boss will be willing to meet you half-way and accommodate your need for medical leave. You may also want to talk to your doctor about the difficulties you are having getting the time off. The doctor should be able to write a letter/note saying that you need to be off one afternoon per week for an appointment, and the doctor does not need to specify the reason why you need the appointment. If your employer is large enough to be covered under the Family Medical Leave Act, they cannot deny you the time off for medical appointments.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You didn't choose to have depression, it just happened to you so don't act like you did or are doing anything wrong, its a medical condition. If your doctor has prescribed an afternoon off then get that in writting and show it to your boss. You should be able to use sick leave, but that won't last long. You might be able to get workman's comp to cover at least part of it. Don't keep trying to hid this from your boss, show him your doctor's note.

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  • Maudie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Have you just been calling in sick once a week? If so I would be annoyed with you too. You are an employee therefore it is your responsibility to your boss to explain your absence.

    You need to talk to him and/or provide something from your doctor to back up your explanation. You could compromise and make your appointments off-hours.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your boss has absolutely no right whatsoever to get in the way of your getting the medical attention you need. If you work for a large company, go immediately to your HR department and report him. He cannot, by law, discriminate against you, which is what he is doing. If you work in a small place, be sure to get info from your state's labor board. What he is doing is simply wrong.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Sneaky little devil! a million. some human beings could help you already know to apply a martingale to maintain her head down, and surely, i don't have faith in martingales. i've got merely as quickly as ridden with one. in case you are able to no longer administration the horse and not utilising a martingale, you may no longer be on that horse. Now, if she's throwing her head up and yanking the reins out of your hand, that's undeniable disrespectful. Haha, i replace into dealing with this right this moment with a horse, humorous I could could answer this. each and every time she throws her head up, supply up, back her up a step. next time, back her up 2 steps. next time, back her up 3 steps, and so on. it works, have faith me, once you're consistent. It took the numb cranium i replace into on right this moment a pair cases earlier the mild bulb clicked. She seems slightly wacko, nonetheless, so be waiting to argue back. 2. If she bites you once you place on the saddle, you SMACK her good. that's impolite. 3. You pronounced it your self-- your coach shows her who's boss, and then she's wonderful. do no longer enable that horse win. If she's bucking, take a reliable sense of your outdoors rein and tension her foreword. she would be able to't rear if she's moving foreword. that's frightening before everything, yet you ought to techniques to argue back and to win, different clever she would be able to constantly be undesirable, no remember how experienced you're. 4. How do you supply up her whilst she runs away on you? What you choose to do is sit down deep, and supple on the reins. do no longer pull, be sure of that! Squeeze, supply, squeeze, supply. you will could do it extremely no longer common. a common squeeze supply is at the same time with your palms, if she's undesirable, you will could use your total elbow. try to get her to a common %., and guard this %.. She feels like she's slightly too a lot for you at this element, and there is not any element in driving her, quite. you do no longer could visit conflict each and every time you holiday this horse. possibly that's worth getting some adventure first with somebody else, till you're confident sufficient to deal with this.

  • 1 decade ago

    Discriminating against you for a medical problem is illegal. See your HR office about getting support. If your boss confronts you about taking time off, make sure you have a compatriot (witness) with you in case you have to take your boss to court for harassment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Start sucking up. Tell him your work is done, blow your own horn in front of him or whenever he is around start talking to a colleague about how well you have done! If he hears continued good work reliability from you, he will start thinking that your work is in order, and that it wouldn't hurt if you took of some time!

    Source(s): Experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell him the truth and so what if your boss get annoyed who is he. Give him a doctor's note then he may under stand.

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