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Maybe someone can have some type of explanation.?

So my girlfriend broke up with me in August. She started school at a University about an hour and a half from here. The night before she left she told me I should move on, and she said she'd hate to use the word "breaking up" with me. She also said she was only going to marry a Catholic guy, she is Catholic and hardcore at that.

We went out for over 9 months. The scary thing is I had a dream that she would break up with me. It pains me to this day and I still have yet to get over it.

I just don't understand why she let it end that way. I treated her like a queen (learned my lesson). When I was working as a full time busser at this restaurant I brought home so much cash I didn't know what to do with. So I saved up alot, but then on the weekends before I would go to work, I would usually take her to see a movie, then you can't go all day without eating lunch.

I felt as if she didn't really love me. She said we should still be friends, but I dont really call her. Were still friends on gaybook which I hate, and I have no idea why I have one. Anyways she posted pictures of her sisters Halloween party and my best friend was there as well. Her best friend happens to be my best friends girlfriend. So if we still friends than why didn't she invite me to the party.

I still have the birthday card she gave me as well as anything else she has given me. I don't have the heart to throw it away. The only contact I have had with her is when I text her happy birthday 2 months after she broke it off.

I wish I could end this misery, everything I do always ends up with me thinking about her.


BTW, I never said anything about marriage to her.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Chris, I'm so sorry this happened. Every women should be treated like a queen, so please don't "learn your lesson." All relationships give us an opportunity to learn and grow. Learn something else from this relationship. Eventually, you will get married and you should be treating her like a queen. Obviously, this girl was insensitive to you as a person and only used you while she needed you. Now she is trying to keep you away. If that wasn't the case, then for whatever reason this didn't work out for her.... actually, she said she was only looking for someone who was catholic. It is quite likely she fell for you and it scared her and she is trying to stay far away from you to prevent herself from breaking her own rules. Our daughter has decided not to date anyone outside of our faith so that she doesn't fall for someone who doesn't meet her standards. This could have happened with your ex also.

    Either way, the relationship is over. Find a way to move on. Rearrange your room/apartment/dorm. Create new music CD's so nothing reminds you of her. Recreate habits and such so that you are starting a new. Go on a few dates for the fun of it. It may take a while, but you can move on. Switch your focus to something else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well... long distance relationships are not sure things, maybe the insecurity drove her decision along with you not being Catholic. about the friend at her party, if she invited her best friend, maybe your best friend attended as her company. may not have been intentional.

    you can end the misery. you can move on and take it one day at a time filling your days with new memories and friends. put all the things you saved from her in a shoebox and seal it placing it in the back of your closet and keep it there. put a date on it telling you not to open until 30, 60, 90 days from now.

    then relook how you feel and where you are at. you should smile and remember those memories and take them with you. but reminising only briengs grief and you will find yourself pulling away from friends you have around you. get actively involved and see what is out there. you are too young to let this get you down, but this significant emotional event will effect your present and future.

    make it a positive move.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know it is hard for you to get over but you must get over it... if she did love you the relationship would have continued.. it is not good to trail someone so long and make a sudden change the way she did to you.. You of course valued the relationship but her mind is on other things and not focus in continuing that bond between you both.. what you should do is make it into a positive change.. learn from the relationship and give yourself time to heal.. soon a woman that is well deserving will come along and cherish your feelings and soul.. one thing I have to mention is please do not carry luggage into the next relationship from your past in the new one.. because not every person is the same ..each individual is different.. just learn from your past relationship and carry the clues that lead you to where you are now.. find a better way.. good luck and remember there are many beautiful women out there who would be glad to have you as their man ;0)

  • Jen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What can we tell you? She is done, tried to let you down easy but is moving on. If you are moping and miserable, then much as she wishes to stay friends you would not be much fun at a party for a single girl to enjoy herself, would you? Sorry that you are hurting, but she did the right thing really.

    She sees no long-term future with you, due to at least your religious differences and maybe something more, she was moving away, and she set you free as part of that change in her life. It would be worse of her to keep you hanging on back home while she was out meeting new people and growing new interests at her new school - and what, 6 months later sent you a Dear John letter?

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  • 1 decade ago

    well the best thing that you could do, is to move on.

    find someone new, theres no use wasting away your life on something, that doesnt feel the same way.

    she has made up her mind, so you need to make up yours too.

    stop thinking of her like that, maybe call her and tell her how you have been feeling, and talk it out. as friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    to me it seems like you really loved her...

    but it does seem like she didn't realy love you back....

    im sorry to say but it also seems like she kinda took advantage of you, because if she knew she wouldn't end up with someone who wasn't catholic, and she knew u were catholic, there was no reason for her to lead you on....

    even if you never said anything about marriage to her

    my advice would be still be in contact with her friend, and try dating again. Maybe that'll get your mind off of her

  • 1 decade ago

    Move on with your will get over her. It was only nine months with her. It wasnt like it was years and years.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should've asked her why she ended it. I think you should move on. Quick. Before you go LOCO. ^_^

    Source(s): x)
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