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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My 10 year old dog, Boomer died hours ago. My life is miserable. I lost a dog and lost the girl that I love?

I am so sad today, this dog was the only one who relieves me thru all the sadness that came thru my life. I loved my dog so much, he's like a brother, a friend, and a child to me. I was 13 years old when this dog came in to my life, the year was 1998. I always talk to my dog during my teenage years that someday, I will find a perfect good girl who would caress his head and when I had problems or feel unhappy. I had met 2 girls within the 10 year range, the first one was, Jeah, she's not my first love coz my first love was Kiffa and Boomer was not yet born at that time. Jeah was a rich girl that I could not bring on a date on simple fast food change so I planned myself to work good at school and when I graduate in college, I would earn money to bring her in a first class restaurant, but this didn't happen coz when I was a sophomore in college, she already had a bf. Then on March 2005, I met the girl of my dreams, her name was Daisy. She was diligent, intelligent and beautiful also. She is always get the high scores in her class. She was 3 years younger than me. First time we met was romantic and a memorable one. Then it became complicated coz there was this other guy who is so cool and handsome coz he knows the guitar very well, apparently I became insecured. She was having a difficult time in choosing one of us, that's why she dumped both of us but a later time, she missed the other guy, the other guy was hurt, I continued to court her. At first it became ok but my insecurities still lingers and she became irritated. I was insecured because she kept on telling me about the other guy. I courted her for 3 years and last month, she finally graduated on her degree. I gave her the last flowers that I gave for her and she didn't knew that it was from me coz I let my friend give the flower to her who is also her close friend. I am so sad, my promise for my dog was failed. Weeks before my dog died, I kept on telling him to hold on and live for me coz I would be more lonely if his gone and still haven't found a girl that I would want to spend with my life that would love him too and caressed him. My dog was strong, he seemed to listen, He seem struggling to survive. My vet said that there would be a less survival for him because he was already old. My dog has a swollen liver, He was eating only chicken, but he died today. I will miss him and all those years that we spent together since when I was adolescent. I am 23 years old now, heart-broken and lonely. I never had a girlfriend in my life. I am not ugly or handsome but I takes time for me to love someone and if I fall in love with her, I would love her as if she was the last girl on earth. My dog died of a heart attack, I was holding him in my arms. How can I get this through? I lost my job a year ago because I always go late at work since Daisy hurt my heart on the day before my bday. After that, I had all the bad lucks in my life. I had an unstable work as a freelance programmer/web developer/computer technician but I had a low service pay. My dream was to build a company like microsoft and I failed that dream too coz I am not good at programming when I am lonely which made me delayed to submit my work on deadlines and thus I end up having a low income. I lived with my mother. I am so ashamed of myself that I cannot give her enough money. Sometimes, I got a chance to pay the telephone bills when I have enough money.

I'm so sad at my life, I felt like giving up and wish that I was not born. I keep on applying on various IT companies today coz I can't stand at home and it would make me cry to remember my dog. I hope someday I would be alright, please help me pray that someday I would love again, its not easy for me to move on on a 3 year mutual relationship with a girl and end up with a mess, its not easy to forget my 10 years of good memories with my dog. My christmas is so sad. The last happy christmas that I spent with my family was 2006. I am not a bad person but I am a sinner too. Why is it that people who wishes to live good things in life, end up having bad lucks and miserable life? I never wish to have this pain? will i get it through? I keep on finding again for a new girl but I always miss Daisy. I wish to find a girl like her, I want to feel again the same feeling that I met her and when I'm with her on another girl. It seems like there is no girl meant for me. I am so sad right now, I will miss my dog, Please pray for me regardless of your religion. I am a catholic christian. Is this the payment for all my sins? or why does God give me all this miserable things? I am so lonely, worried, sad and frustrated at my life right now. Please help me.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This poem made sense to me when two much loved Dobermanns died within months of each other in 2007.

    However heartbreaking it seems at the now, in time the golden memories of the years you shared with your dog will be a comfort.

    Take one day at a time, the sadness will come and go in waves, in time the gap between the waves of sadness will lengthen & the acute sadness will pass.


    You can shed tears that he is gone

    or you can smile because he has lived.

    You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come back

    or you can open your eyes and see all he’s left.

    Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him

    or you can be full of the love you shared.

    You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday

    or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

    You can remember him and only that he’s gone

    or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.

    You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This probably seems stupid and artificial but,

    You will move on.. Im promise.

    Last year my brother passed away, at the same

    time i was failing 5 classes.. My grandma was very very sick, and my dad lost his job. This is no lie. But as time moves along so will you, you may never forget about the dog or the girl, but you can't let these things keep you from not living your life.

    Your entitled to a good life, we all are, so please make the best of it. and your not the only one to question god, I asked god why most of all he had to take my brother... and people kept telling me he had his reasons, and to this day I have yet to figure out what they were. But I do know that the people you love, Would not want you to be so miserable.

    My advice to you is just try so hard, with an open mind, Try to move along (of course without forgetting about your past). It's the best thing for you to do right now.

    Source(s): :D
  • 1 decade ago

    I hate to say it but everything happens for a reason. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through. It takes time. Time doesnt make you forget what happened, but you learn to deal with it. The best thing you can do is remember the good times. What I did when I lost my dog was make a memory box. I put her collar, an empty bag of her food, her paperwork, a picture, and anything else I could find. I put it all in a shoe box in my closet. You dog will always be with you no matter what. Death sucks but its a part of life. Im sure your dog had a good life. It was just his time to go. I know this doesnt make it easier, but your not alone. Others have been through it too. It just takes time.

    As for your girl, maybe it just wasnt meant to be. I was in a relationship with someone for 2 years. I thought he was the love of my life. I never imagined it would end. Than it did. I was a mess for months! But now I've been happily married for 4 years. Again, you just have to give it time. You may think youll never love again, or theres no one out there for you, or whatever. But there is. I consider my ex as practice. If I hadnt been with him for so long and gone through what I did, my relationship today may not have lasted. You live and you learn.

    My advice to you is concentrate on yourself now. Do your own thing. Make yourself feel better. Because when it comes down to it, YOU are the most important thing in your life, not a girl, not even a dog.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stay strong in there buddy :)

    Everything happens for a reason.

    I guarantee you that this was all meant to happen for A REASON.

    And that reason is good.

    What you should do is LEARN from those experiences you had.

    The good memories: cherish them and be happy when you remember them.

    The sad memories: LEAVE THEM BEHIND and MOVE ON.

    I'm absolutely positive you will find a very cool dog that will be your new best friend, as well as a very sweet girl who will be your REAL love.

    Meanwhile, i suggest you go out, hang around outside the house, go out with a friend etc..

    Don't stay at home, because this will only make things worse.

    This is life...

    There are people who are born deaf, blind, can't walk....

    there are people who are dying everyday in africa because of hunger, aids ....

    You're lucky....At least you had the luxury to HAVE A DOG, TO HAVE A FRIEND, TO LOVE A GIRL ETC...

    Move on and stay strong.

    you'll be alright...

    My prayers are with you...:)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Dear, with such a great don't have bad lucks. Birth and death are natural things.

    From your email, it seems this is not just about losing a dog. Have you tried counselling?

    You are not bad luck...what is bad luck is your loved one went to vacation somewhere and got killed because of Tsunami...what is bad luck is your 10 years old daughter got cancer and she only have three months to live...what is bad luck is your husband got killed by a drunk driver a day before Christmas...

    Sometimes we cause our bad you said, you lost your job because you showed up late all the times. I really feel for you and I want to help. It may be harsh but you need to stop "self pity". There are many many people less fortunate than you. Go do some volunteering and you will know your life is actually not that bad. Re-focus yourself, change your attitudes, try appreciate, instead of saying I have bad luck so my dog died...try saying "I miss my dog but I am such a lucky guy to have such pure love for 10 years...and I will use what I learn to adopt a dog from shelter and extend this love.." No one can help you unless you change your attitudes on how to view things. Don't say I am bad luck so I lost my job...say something like "I deserve to lose my jobs because I was always late...I learn my lesson and I will dedicate to my next job and be passionate about it.

    When you know how to love yourself, love will find you. This is not the time to find a girlfriend, this is time to reinvent yourself. Trust me, love finds me when I am no longer insecure and learn to love myself. My husband and I are together for 10 years now....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you talked to your parish priest about this? I am very sorry about your dog. People form very close bonds with their pets, they are family members. I can't offer advice on your love life. I think there is someone out there for everyone. If you just sit around being depressed you will not meet that person. My advise is to get counseling. Your priest could make suggestions. I think a new dog to lavish with your love. It will not replace your Boomer, but it will help heal your heart.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh hon, I am a mom of 4 24,23,21,& 17, and a dog trainer by trade. You need to realize that if God was going to bring us to smite us for our sin, we've all done enough to be long gone by now. I will tell you what I have told my kid: learn to be alone with yourself. Learn to find your own self respect, security, etc...When you learn to just be who God made you to be without all of the distractions you will look up and there she will be. Learn to find contentment with yourself...and the rest will fall into place.

    About your loss. All of us be we dog or man have an accounted number of days to live. It has nothing to do with your sin...death is a natural but hard part of life. What I do is I write...I write almost like a Thankyou Letter to God, and it helps me just expel the pain. I remember from the first moment that the dog came into my life and I go from there. Even with aggressive dogs that I have to retrain, when it is time for them to go back to their families, there is a grieving. Don't get swallowed up in it, but release it in a healthy way...then go on. You can do it. You sound like a person who wants to succeed in life, and I believe you will. Stop searching for happiness in others, and embrace the happiness inside yourself. Develope who you are, take on the characteristics of who you want to be and change into that person. When you are secure with yourself, others will find that being around you and with you is an honor. Good luck in all you do. You will be in my prayers.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry about your loss. I know it's rough now, but just continue to seek the Lord and He will comfort you. Yes, I will pray for you. May God bless you.

  • 3DDD
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You think you are miserable now and that God is punishing you - just wait until you find "Miss Perfect" and get married - you have no idea of pure hell.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you'll be alright,,,find a cool dog, and a hott girl, and you'll be better

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