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What to put in stocking of 11+ year old boy?

At work we stuff stockings for the Salvation Army to give to needy children. I am assigned a boy who is 11 years old or slightly older. I have no idea what he might like. I have about $50 to spend. One idea is a '76ers t-shirt. I'm in Philadelphia. The stockings go to inner city kids.

Any suggestions?

2 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Think about things a preteen boy would enjoy: action figures, marbles, video games for his Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast or Sony Playstation 2 player, a baseball, books, passes to a theme park or movie theater.

    Remember that preteens love the freedom to choose, so include gift certificates to online or offline stores.

    Choose stocking stuffers he can learn from. (Educational gifts don't necessarily have to be boring.) A magnifying glass, painting set, science kit, magic tricks, a camera and film, a flashlight, or age-appropriate models might grab his attention.

    Look for things that are fun - a Slinky, Silly Putty, small Lego sets, a Pez dispenser, a yo-yo, gift certificates for CDs, CD-Roms or DVDs, or some stickers.

    Try a Nintendo Game Boy (or games, if he already has one), or a portable CD player if you don't mind spending that much.

    Find cool Matchbox or Hot Wheel cars, card games, small puzzles, modeling clay or art supplies.

    Consider a bike lock, bike light equipment, or inline skate accessories.

    Know his hobbies. If he collects cards, such as Pokémon, sports or Star Wars, stick a pack or two in; and buy him a subscription to special interest magazines (put a gift card in the stocking, or a copy from the store to clue him in).

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if you know his likes and dislikes, but maybe Baseball cards or some other sports cards. Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon cards. Maybe a DVD or CD. Mcdonald's gift cards. A cool winter hat or gloves. If he likes to read "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" is a good "boy" book. There are 2 in the series. Gift Certificate for movie theater. Not sure how big the stocking is, but I like your tshirt idea as well. Hope this helps!

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