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Have Americans gone off us?

When watching Dead Like You on TV tonight, the lead character said she had to share an apartment. When she said it was with an Englishman her and her colleague pulled faces and made sounds to show their disapproval. Have Americans stopped liking us now or what?


IIIkillu...You sum up perfectly what most Brits think of many Americans.

Update 2:

Blue-Eye..It is an American show!

Update 3:

Lady-Ali..Blood puddings are common throughout Europe. I imagine the European immigrants in America eat them. In England they tend to be eaten in my home county of Yorkshire and neighbouring Lancashire. It is not mandatory!

Update 4:

Hamish..good points but her colleague did not know who the flat sharer was did she?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm an American and I love you Brits! I've never heard anything negative about Brits on the TV or the news. Maybe the people who write your TV shows have this perception? Or are trying to put that into your heads?

    Edit: Sorry, I don't watch that show. But judging from the answers you've recieved, the Brits don't seem too fond of us either. In fact, some seem to feel superior to us. Which is fine; it just goes to show how there can be two sides to that perception.

  • Hamish
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I`m Canadian so perhaps I`m not qualified to answer but I don`t think they showed their disapproval because he was British. He is not a very savory character. Mason collects money from the dead, deals, smuggles and uses drugs. He has become an alcoholic in response to the pressures of his job

  • Kaz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm fine with British people. I live in the S.E. United States, and for some reason people seem to believe that the United Kingdom, and all of Europe for that matter, are still 'medieval' and are ruled by Kings and Queens. I have to correct them on that. But for my intelligent friends, and from general of what I see, Americans are pretty fond of Brits.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ummmm....honestly I've never had a problem with the English. I've lived in America all my life & have never met anyone here that has a problem with Britain.

    Hell, I seriously want to visit England someday. ^_^ Only part that makes me nervous is the food... Things like blood pudding leads me to pause.*squirms*

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  • 1 decade ago

    brits have the humor, they create the funnier comedies IE the office and little britain so what does america do? make their own versions of shows, take kath and kim from australia for example, they tried to make it work in the states with selma blair and molly shannon and it wasnt funny, ive seen it and it misses...

    Yes it may be true most of us non americans have a stigma against them lol half my family are american and the other half are brits so yeah but americans DO SO CRY about it, they complain alot lolz

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If it ain't American, it ain't right.

    The Americans who are in love with Brits are Anglo-American. They represent about 10% of the population - roughly 30 million.

    The others are from other parts of Europe - Ireland, Italy, Germany, France, Holland - some even Asian like China and India, and they couldn't care less about the UK. They have other things to worry about. I fall under this 90% category.

    We don't hate the UK or any other country. We simply don't care, to be blunt.

    Source(s): An American
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A few of them have this idea in their head that we don't brush our teeth or shower. Also, have you noticed how British actors often turn out to be the villain in American films? I really don't understand either.

  • 1 decade ago

    What do you mean "stopped"? Americans never liked you Brits :)

    Besides everyone hates Americans and you dont hear us crying about it......thats life get over it

    To the dude that said the brits are more progressive in fashion, food, and culture...........Im not even going to dignify that with an answer*tty food and worse weather

    Source(s): Home-grown American
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The last time i watched TV i believed it too.

  • 1 decade ago

    americans love themselves and arnt as open a liberal to others as we are

    some of the ansers are making me laugh,many americans really dont know much about any other countries"medieval country" and "blood pudding" seriously, the UK is probably overall much more progressive than America as a whole,both in culture,fashion and food.

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