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What is the average lenght of time before a question is posted on Yahoo Answers ?

I asked a question 20 minutes ago, and it hasn't posted yet.....

Is it because it's about Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton ?;_ylt=AjYg2...


Ruby, the only problem with alternative wording/spelling as you suggested, is that 1) many people are too lazy too bother typing it in and will answer w/o looking at the associated materials, and 2) this site shouldn't require that.

Update 2:

11 hours and only two answers on the referenced question. Pity that you can't have open, uncensored discussion here.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Even before looking at the question, I knew you must have had a link in the details.

    Y!A is programmed to detect links to alternative media. I confirmed this a few weeks ago. You can test it for yourself. Ask 2 identical Qs at the same time, put a link to in one and a link to in the other. Then watch.

    Questions with links to the domain in the details will never appear in the general/category listings. However, many other independent media sources (including are still unblocked. Lazy Yahoo programmers!

    When you're going to employ automated censorship, you should at least do your homework and be thorough about it.

    Source(s): i am web developer
  • NoFlox
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    it was obviously censored.

    By the way, that was the first time I read a question about Hillary Clinton Constitutionally Ineligible to Serve as Secretary of State.

    Why was it censored? It could be:

    1) The word Obama showed up

    2) the web site you cited it's known for being too close to the truth, THAT'S VERY DANGEROUS !

    3) Perhaps, that question might, just might have been posted several times before and someone decided not to publish it one more time; but then again, I never read it before.

    If possible, try citing your links with a different format like: nissan dot com slash whatever dot html

    Instead of Obama, use "Ob ama" "Oh bama" or similar......

    though I would be more incline to use "oh bummer" instead ☺

  • Ruby
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That question is being cenxsored by the new electronic cencxsoring that started here about 6 weeks ago.

    Our gracious hosts are cenxsxoring web sites that hold a dissenting view - either a dissenting political view or a view contrary the profit agenda of certain corporations.

    Try asking question and set out your link like this

    dubya dubya dubya dot in fow ars dot com slash ?p=6375

    You are in my contacts so I should see the question through the "see more from your contacts" link. I cannot - I only see it if I click your link here or if I go to your profile.

    Our gracious host is not a fan of the 1st Amendment. I think they were hoping nobody would notice this. I have seen it many times now and experienced it myself when asking questions abut bxIG Phxarma.

  • 1 decade ago

    Questions usually appear within 2 or 3 minutes. Sometimes, they appear in your profile but not in the category list because they trip Yahoo's automatic filters. I found out when I asked questions about the Ayatollah Yamster, they never showed up in the categories.

    I guess during high traffic times it could take more than a few minutes but, in general, 2 or 3 minutes after you ask then it's appearing on the site.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    hi toddler, you've an exceedingly sturdy question right here, i'm no longer gay yet i'm a crossdresser, were doing it on the grounds that i replaced into about 5, then it replaced into positive till puberty, it replaced into about then that i realised i replaced into distinct.So through me youngster years lived in hiding and in worry of ever being got here upon out, I even idea that there replaced into something wron with me. Then alongside got here the internet and that i without caution got here upon that there are thousands of fellows clone of me, i replaced into no longer the unusual one out, on the grounds that then I have a circle of acquaintances the position we may be able to substitute information. i won't be able to clarify right here the surprising feeling of freedom and now even bypass out dressed as a lady sturdy success

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    2 Min's tho if yahoo do not like your question ie it has trigger words it will often get censored or deleted

  • 1 decade ago

    3-4 minutes.

    and you cant talk about them. try palin and mccain. it will post instantly.

    Obama 08

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