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Does Kentucky Support Gay Marriage / Unions ?

OK, Look at the Kentucky State Flag...It has Two Dudes Hugging each other...With the Motto "United We Stand".."Divided We Fall"...Do you think the Founding Fathers of Kentucky knew something we didn't ???


Didn't really mean this as a serious question...Was trying to spark debate on why "some" people are so scared or threatened by Gays and the point of hatred and intolerance...How is this attitude any different from the civil rights of the 60's...For fellow Christians out do you not see the Jesus loved everybody...especially those who where considered outcasts or different...Seems Hypocrital to me...

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a really interesting question. Actually, the flag has two guys shaking hands. It's good to know not all of Kentucky is so conservative because the state went pretty handily to McCain.

    Throughout the history of the world, there have been ancient societies where same sex love was common and there has also been intolerable cruelty towards gays.

    The world seems made up of countless cultures and subcultures, some tolerant and some very intolerant of homosexuality.

    Discrimination seems hard to defend although for some, it is a huge part of religious beliefs which makes it ok according to them. Sometimes, it is just plain ignorance or fear of something different.

    Things have come a long way in the modern US and will continue to progress. However, some states or parts of states are far behind the rest of the country in that regard.

    Other groups face the same problems. In some countries, women are also treated horribly. You have the caste system in India which seems tragic.

    To me, it is a civil rights issues. If gay people pay the same taxes, they should have all the same rights and benefits. Separate is not equal by any stretch.

    In many cases of violence against gays, it is perpetrated by someone who was raised with strong anti-gay rhetoric, and often there is internal homophobia involved.

    I think it is hard to defend hate on religious grounds but people pick and choose which parts of their religion to follow.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only states that support gay marriage are Massachusetts and Connecticut but hopefully unions and marriages will once become legal everywhere. Kentucky is usually a republican and conservative state but the younger generation I can say is different. I know many gay people from Kentucky and Kentucky is not really the "hick" state that it is stereotyped to be, with exclusion from the very far eastern portions in the mountains. I live in Indiana right across from the Ohio River on the Kentucky border, so I know this personally. Hope I answered your question.


    can two guys not hug without being gay?

    see daniel might see it in a different perspective because I am assuming he is in the east when i am more assoicated with the central and western area.

  • It depends on where you are in Kentucky.

    Since 2000, among the country’s 50 largest cities, Louisville had the largest percentage increase in the number of same-sex couples. Louisville prohibits employment, housing, and public accommodation discrimination based on both sexual orientation and gender identity.

    When the University of Louisville began offering health-care benefits to their employees partners, a state legislator from the Cincinnati suburbs in Northern Kentucky said "I don't want to entice any of those people into our state. Those are the wrong kind of people.''

    Just as there are parts of Kentucky that are more Liberal than Conservative, and parts more Midwestern than Southern, there are parts that embrace "United We Stand" while others do not care about the costs of being divided.

    In a historical context, the future President and Kentucky native Abraham Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with his fellow Kentuckian Joshua Speed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sigh why don't you do some research and find out man. I think the founding fathers knew alot more than anyone gives them credit for knowing. That's why the constitution is written the way it is. I think if they saw what we're doing today with it they would be ashamed and recognize us as the very oppressors in many ways they fought to free us from.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i am from ky, in west ky they could be ok with it. but in east ky NO!!!!! you will be run out of town, or nobody will ever talk to you. you would get a lot of dirty looks or people will say, i will pray for you.

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