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How do I get started selling on eBay?

I know about signing up and all, but what about the payment details and shipping? Will I need a separate bank account or anything for PayPal? What about receiving payment? And how do I ship what I sell?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Shipping should be a flat rate, what I like to do is 'over-estimate' it a bit to ensure that all of the shipping will be paid for. You can then either refund the extra money or keep it depending on if your final price met your expectation.

    It is good to have paypal, because most of ebay users do. it will link to your bank account and you can transfer funds easily.

    I usually ship the cheapest way I can. Check out for a step by step selling guide

  • 1 decade ago

    eBay has a surprising amount of help on their site. I never realized it but they have an entire section of their website dedicated to helping people who are new to eBay (see link below).

    In response to your specific points:

    Shipping - You should estimate a flat shipping fee and pass that cost along to the buyer. It's too time consuming to do exact cost based on zip code and weight. UPS and USPS can provide good estimates on cost.

    Separate Bank Account - Not needed, just sign up for PayPal and link it to your existing bank account.

    Receiving payment - Very easy, usually you don't even have to request payment if you have your PayPal account tied in with eBay. eBay has made it so seamless within the last 5+ years with their integration of everything...takes a LOT of the work out of selling stuff.

    How to Ship - eBay gives you the option of working directly with UPS or USPS in order to ship. They'll already have the address of the seller ready to go to calculate the actual postage. You can even print out a label on your printer at home.

    Hope this helps!


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