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airee bear asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

What's wrong with my bird?

My bird is lying forward on the ground and is breathing kind of hard. He is also a bit puffy and just does not look good. Does anyone know what this means?! I went away on a trip and someone else would pop in and check on him, but when I got back he didn't have food and his water had poop in it. I changed it right away and gave him a bit of food in case he hasn't eaten in a long time and I didn't want to overdo it. I'm not sure if he drank the water though... He seemed fine a couple days later, but now this is happening.

I'm thinking I should look up a vet and take him there.


9 Answers

  • Beth P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your bird needs a avian vet asap. It may be to late I am sorry to say. I would call now and get him in. Until get there keep him or her very warm. Get a heating pad and put under the outside bottom of the cage and cover cage half way with a blanket or towel. Try to hand feed him some soft foods and drops of water. There is a product called rescue remedy available at Wegmans and health food stores. Comes in drops or spray. If can get someone to get you that give a small amount diluted with some water. Do not force into beak put on side and let bird suck in. Also can try pedilyte solution non flavored. Vet though asap. Did the bird inhale any fumes? Also make sure it is a male and not female as many females do this when about to lay clutch of eggs. What are the droppings like in color and texture?

    Source(s): rehabber
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK Yes I agree take to a vet ...

    What colour is his poo ... Black = Means he hasn't been drinking

    White= NO FOOD ...

    Get a heat lamp on to him asap this will help him try to gain some strength to fight the infection ...

    What is his poo like .. Runny Stuck to his bum ...... or normal but discolored ....

    Make an appointment asap ... When the Vet gives you the meds .. Make sure that you do not give soaked seed, veggies or fruits or any probotics until the meds are finished ...... And don't let them tell you he is sick because you aen't feeding him pellets .. That is just an endorsement that the vets get from the companies ....

  • Kj
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yeah it sounds like he is a bit ill. You should take him to an avian vet as normal vets don't really know what they are doing. It may be a respiratory infection but you should hurry to get to a vet because he is coming upon the stage that its too late. Early signs of illness are puffy up with tail not lined with body or not eating. Also long periods of runny poop are a sign unless you are giving him lots of veggies.

    x Hope he gets better!

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe he is actually a she?

    thats the way my parakeet was when she was about to lay eggs.

    she was laying forward and breathing hard. then a cute lil egg popped out.

    if your bird is a she, she may have egg binding which is very fatal. (female birds can still lay eggs even if there solo)

    put some vegetable oil around the vent and see if anything happens.

    but if this isent it, take him to the vet right away or it might be too late

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take him to the vet NOW!

    You might be to late!

    Or it might just be a girl laying an egg.

    (Help with another answer: Boy = blue or purple ceres, Girl = Tan, beige, brown, or dark brown.)

  • 1 decade ago

    Take your Bird to a Vet or Animal Hospital.

  • 1 decade ago

    Call a local vet, she may be laying an egg or be really sick.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    take him 2 the vet.

    he is probably malnourished

  • 1 decade ago

    Take him to the vet ASAP!!!!!!!

    ( As soon as possible )

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