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Lv 6
shazam asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Is passion a choice? Do you choose to be passionate about something/someone or does it arise without choice?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think a little combination of both. Some people sometimes stand out more than others, so you have a connection or attraction.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's without choice. It's an uncontrollable feeling. For example if you were passionate about eliminating poverty. Maybe you had an experience that made an impression on you and continues to drive you to want to do something about it. It's like falling in love, it just hits you, maybe you don't know why, but it's a burning feeling inside you that won't go away.

  • 1 decade ago

    Passion arises without any choice or any indications,then you become passionate about something by spending attention to it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I honestly think its by choice, if you like something you can become passionate about it, but if you dislike somthing you won't. ie i like science i am passionate about phsycis i do very well in physics, i hate english i am not passionate about english i dont do well in english.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sciences offer different perspectives. Psychology is no different. The neo-analytical/ego psych folk might say it arose from specific childhood events that lead you to this passion, while cognitive behaviorists might examine your thought processes at one given point or another. There's more to it, I just don't have time.

  • 1 decade ago

    can i answer with an anecdote?

    well freshman year in HS i met this kid and we became friends and we hung out sometimes right? but he was just another friend.. so then freshman year ended and I went to stay at the university for the summer... and It was HELL it was not fun at all but that's another story... anyway while staying at the university i only got Saturdays off, so on one of these Saturdays i met up with the kid that i had met in freshman year... and something happened, something clicked idk what it was but i looked at him and i felt like weird and then after taht I was always thinking about him and up until now (its the middle of sophomore year) i can't get him out of my mind .. i think im in love with him .. like i LOVE him i need to know that he is happy and i like to make him laugh and stuff, but to him im just another friend which kinda saddens me... I wish i could tell him :\ but i know if i do everything will fall apart.

    but i hoped that answered ur question, i never asked for anything to happen, i didn't choose anything, it just happened ...

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