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Help for Christmas Dinning out?

Have friends coming in for the holidays and they will be here for Xmas. Ok, I'm Jewish and always have my family over that day, so have no idea if anything other than Chinese restaurants are open that day. These people are coming in England and won't be in NY for long and really want to go out for a nice dinner on Christmas. Ok, all you locals, can anyone help me and let me know of restaurants that are open, lunch or dinner. Should be really nice and in a moderate range, not like Per Se, but not like Viand. Thanks.

2 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hi! I love trying out new restaurants in the city and usually find something really good through The New York Times Dining & Wine Top Picks section. You can enter in your preferences for location, price and type. Remember to click on 'Top Picks', too.

    I entered your criteria and came up with the link below. Call to confirm hours and reservation, if appropriate.

    Happy holidays!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am Jewish as well and was in a similar situation once!

    What I ended up doing was getting a local, excellent restaurant cater..and I set everything up myself.

    That felt more homey to my guests, yet with great, traditional Christmas meals.

    I suggest you find a decently priced restaurant with great food, and go to your local arts and crafts store and pick up cheap decorations and make your home have a tradition Christmasy feel.

    PS: i LOVE the Christmas cheer and I'm not Christian ;)

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