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barry c asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Has Y!A gone over the edge? Are we looking at tyranny here or what?

I have received a violation for an answer. And had it removed. Anyone care to comment?

We have reviewed your appeal request. Upon review we found that your

content was indeed in violation of the Yahoo…

AND HERE (drum roll) IT IS:

Question: WHAT is the best way to promote the gun culture in the USA?

Question Details:

Deleted Answer: How the founders intentions ever became so distorted as to foster a belief that freedom is to be equated with arming ourselves to the teeth, I will never understand. How year after year we can watch the news to yet another child getting a hold of a weapon at home, to blow themselves or another child away, baffles me. Why the NRA is against any form of control, registration, weapon form (legal machine guns? for what?) limitation, leaves me speechless

So, what did they get me on (can’t get a straight answer out of these guys) Poor grammar? Garbled syntax? You may not agree with my point of view, but what’s with the censure over this. Savonarola couldn’t have done better!

7 Answers

  • B.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You asked.

    You did not provide an answer to the question that was asked. In fact you responded with a rant of your own personal opinion on gun control. The violation was a violation and should be upheld. This topic brings out as much passion in people as religion and politics do. I find that it is best to steer clear of them completely because people who do not agree with your opinions or have blinders on regarding the truth they will report questions and answers just because they don't share the same point of view.

  • robbob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That's surprising. I don't see any problem with your answer. I believe the violation process is automated, so maybe that's why your answer was deleted.

    Possibly, enough people disagreed with your answer and reported it that the system automatically deleted your post. That's the best explanation that I can think of.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To me,I don't agree with you but your question wasn't out of line as far as I am concerned. Yahoo does this a lot,why I don't know and you can't contest it cause your reply will not go through.Have tried.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Violation because you did not answer the question but replied with an unasked for opinion.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    The person asking the questions is aimed at a certain segment of society that agree that guns are consitutional. Someone who can only see "their way or the highway"has reported it becasue they are rednecked...I'm guessing but don't quote me

  • 1 decade ago

    New ownership at Yahoo.

    Source(s): news
  • 1 decade ago

    I am baffled by this one.

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