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Lv 6
Zelda asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Is there an advantage to treating depression with Lexapro rather than Wellbutrin?

My psychologist suggested taking an antidepressant and I'd like to start as soon as possible (tomorrow would be good) and start putting my life back together. Unfortunately, this probably means going to the university clinic for a prescription. (I'll try a psychiatrist, but I'm afraid I may have to wait until after Christmas for an appointment, which doesn't thrill me.) So while the doctors there are nice enough, and I trust them not to prescribe anything dangerously stupid, they're not specialists and they're often in a rush, so sometimes it pays to go in knowing what to point out and what questions to ask.

From what my husband says and a bit of web browsing, I see that Wellbutrin is supposed to be nice because it doesn't have some of the common side effects associated with antidepressants - drowsiness, sexual dysfunction and weight gain. It may or may not come with more risk of seizures, though Wikipedia claims the evidence is unclear. On the other hand, Lexapro, which does come with these side effects seems quite popular, as do other typical SSRIs. I wonder why. Do they just work better?

I'm 30 yrs old. I'm not about to overdose on anything or kill myself. No other meds or health problems in the mix, for what it's worth.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends what you're trying to cure. I'll assume depression, but what specific symptoms do you have? If the problem is lack of motivation, no energy, inability to concentrate, anhedonia (just feeling blah and eeyore-like), then wellbutrin would be good. It acts on the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is responsible for pleasure and motivation. If you have anxiety together with your depression, an SSRI like Lexapro would be best, especially if you have obsessive thoughts. The Wellbutrin can exacerbate your anxiety. It can also trigger rage episodes, as well as seizures, although the seizure risk increases only with high dosages. If you're already kind of excitable and easily angered, Wellbutrin might not be good. So what I would suggest is get a clear picture of what your symptoms are and describe those to the doctor. A good family practice doctor should be able to tease out your specific concerns so that he or she can choose the best antidepressant for you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Lexapro Vs Wellbutrin

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Wellbutrin Vs Lexapro

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Is there an advantage to treating depression with Lexapro rather than Wellbutrin?

    My psychologist suggested taking an antidepressant and I'd like to start as soon as possible (tomorrow would be good) and start putting my life back together. Unfortunately, this probably means going to the university clinic for a prescription. (I'll try a psychiatrist, but I'm afraid...

    Source(s): advantage treating depression lexapro wellbutrin:
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  • Paul A
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I take both of them! I take Wellbutrin SR (150 mg) in the morning, and Lexapro (10 mg) in the evening, for depression and anxiety. I've been taking that for over a year and a half, and it's working very well for me.

    The Wellbutrin SR seems to help me to be more alert and active - and wanting to do things - while the Lexapro makes me more mellow, and it helps me sleep better, too. They are relatively low doses of each medication, which keeps side effects at a minimum. I really can't tell I'm taking any medication at all.

    When they first put me on antidepressants, they had me on 10 mg of Lexapro, and after a while increased it to 20 mg. That made me want to sleep most of the day. I told the doctor about that, and he switched me to 300 mg of Wellbutrin XL. That took care of the drowsiness, but it made me uncomfortably nauseous all the time. Talking with the doctor, we decided to try lower doses of both medications - and it's working great!

  • 1 decade ago

    Anti-depressants are weird. They work differently on different people. Either one may or may not work for you, you just have to try it to find out. I tried both Wellbutrin and Lexapro separately and together. The sexual dysfunction is more associated with the male function, but I'm not sure if it has the same effect on females. At any rate, it's a good feeling when you don't feel depressed or moody. I've had people tell me that they noticed that I seem happier. I eventually gave up on either one because I was tired of taking pills and dealing with the side effects. I don't think my situation was that serious. I have times when I feel really depressed, but I realize that it's just the chemicals in my head and wait for it to pass. That can take a day or two, but I've learned to deal with it. Good luck to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since you're married, I'd recommend you try wellbutrin first. The SSRI's cause total sexual dysfunction in a LOT of people - over 80% of people get some kind of problem. It's very upsetting. Some international group I forget the name of decided to label SSRI's as reproductive toxins because of this side effect. Cymbalta and Effexor have these side effects too, supposedly less commontly though. If you end up having to take SSRI's or SSNI's, and do get sexual side effects, sometimes wellbutrin can be used as an antidote for that, or you can take a stimulant such as adderall, or try taking viagra (yes, it is given to women for this problem). It didn't help me at all, though.

    If you think this could be seasonal depression (only came on when the days got shorter) then ssri's are standard for that. But you can use a light box, and not take drugs at all. Google seasonal affective disorder for more info on that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've never taken wellbutrin, however my dr says he only perscribes it to people who are trying to quit smoking, which it is also used for. I take lexapro. 10mg in the warmer months and 20mg in the colder months (severe anxiety, and seasonal depression.) The only side effect that actively bothers me is the numbness I often feel. It is most prominant sexually, which sucks... my hubby just has to work harder ;)

    Overall, I like lexapro. but it can be different for you depending on your body chemistry.

    I hope this helped :)

  • 5 years ago

    Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in the U.S., affecting about one out of five people at any given time. There are many safe nondrug remedies for anxiety. Read here

    Anxiety can take many forms — generalized anxiety disorder (constant worrying about everyday things), obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD, panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and social anxiety disorder.

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