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Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck?

-Monster Cards-

Decoy Dragon (x2)

Masked Dragon (x2)

Darkblaze Dragon

Tyrant Dragon

Felgrand Dragon (x2)

Lord of D.

Mirage Dragon

Red Eyes B. Dragon

Red Eyes Darkness Dragon

Kaiser Sea Horse

Gilford the Lightning


Monk Fighter

Guardian Sphinx

Castle Gate

The Creator

The Creator Incarnate

Herald of Creation

Guardian Angel Joan

Majestic Mech - Goryu

Ancient Lamp

La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp

-Spell Cards-

Lightning Vortex

Change of Heart

Hand Destruction

The Flute of Summoning Dragon

Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

Monster Reincarnation

Premature Burial

Goblin Thief

Mystical Space Typhoon

Brain Control

Stamping Destruction

Rod of Silence - Kay'est

Mystic Wok

Swords of Revealing Light

Different Dimension Capsule

-Trap Cards-

Trap Jammer

Magic Jammer


Sakuretsu Armor (x2)

Call of the Haunted (x2)

Royal Decree

Draining Shield

This is my Dragon deck, supplemented with a few Warriors, Fairys, and Spellcasters. Please rate it 1-10, and add any suggestions or ideas you have.

I haven't dueled with my deck yet, trying to perfect it first, but I have test-dueled myself. The only problem I have is once every 2 beginning draws or so I will get either nothing but Spell/Trap cards, or nothing but Lvl 7+ Monsters, which makes it difficult to play my high levels.

Usually I can play Swords of Revealing Light or some other good Spell/Trap card which gives me time to summon something good but all too often I find myself drawing the super high lvls and not the ones I need.

Any help here would be great, thx!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'll help you bro. ont listen to all those guys up there. guess they jelous of your dragon cards..

    k first of all maybe addin 2 more lord of d and 2 more flutes would help summonin your high lvl dragons... also take out the fairys and spellcaster and stick with your dragons.. add probably some spear dragons and treeborn and a neo spacian grand mole...

    Now take out all these:

    Red Eyes Darkness Dragon

    Kaiser Sea Horse

    Gilford the Lightning


    Monk Fighter

    Guardian Sphinx

    Castle Gate

    The Creator

    The Creator Incarnate

    Herald of Creation

    Guardian Angel Joan

    Majestic Mech - Goryu

    Ancient Lamp

    La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp

    take out

    Change of Heart

    Hand Destruction

    Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

    Premature Burial

    Goblin Thief

    Stamping Destruction

    Rod of Silence - Kay'est

    Mystic Wok

    Different Dimension Capsule

    now for your traps it should look something like this:

    3 bottomless

    2 sakuretsus

    2 defense draws

    1 torrential

    1 seven tools

    thats all i can think of now... add me and send me a message and ill help u out and see wat i can do

    Source(s): previous yugoh experience
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Could use a little bit of work. I would give it a 5 out of 10 in traditional play. It is not legal for advanced play. Just some very simple advice: start with a theme/strategy and stick with it. Any cards that don't fit that theme or strategy must be replaced with cards that do. In addition to that, any empty slots (less than 40 cards) should be filled in with cards that aid the other cards in the deck. All cards in the deck should give you maximum benefit without having high costs for use. Hope this helps. Good luck and have fun.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well if its a dragon deck. Why do you have Gilford the Lightning, other like that in there? They are taking up space. You have to many tribute monsters, so that's why you don't draw good. That would be an idea to take some of them out. You have good cards but you need to work on it more.

    Source(s): Myself!
  • 1 decade ago

    You have good cards. But you have to many tribute monsters. That's not hard to see. I think you should work it some more!

    Source(s): Myself.
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


  • 1 decade ago

    this is a pretty good deck. but it could use some fine tuning. Go to this site you can look at tons of cards and combos and its all legit

  • 1 decade ago

    Top Notch

  • 1 decade ago

    Bad deck, baaaaaaad deck.

    Back to square one.

  • 1 decade ago

    5, it's okay, but there's no workable strategy for you to execute... Just a bunch of dragon cards.

  • ara
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    hmmm not sure but seems like you got alot of cards

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