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How many here understand the political spectrum, and where Democrats and Republicans fall in it?

I just came across a question in which the asker asks if anyone knows the difference between Neo-Conservatism and Neo-Nazi.

Now obviously that is a less than stellar joke, and one that doesn't follow completely. But as a defense some Republicans brought up that Nazi stood for National SOCIALIST Workers Party; and therefore assumed that it meant that they were more Democrat than Republican.

And it blew my mind how many were bringing up that point. Which made me wonder how many truly understand the political spectrum.

So, who of you know where you fall on the political spectrum?

For the record, here it is from far left to far right:






National Socialist

Fascist (Nazis were Fascist with a hatred of other races thrown in)


This is for America.

In truth, Right leaning individuals are closer to Communism and left-leaning individuals are closer to Fascism.

We, however, switched sides back in the late 50's and well into the 60's. This is now the political spectrum as is.

However, if you want to go with what it was back then, then you are right that Republicans were practically Communists back then.

Update 2:

Republicans pretend to want less government, Democrats don't even pretend.

But for the record, the top three spenders in American history were (in order):

Richard Nixon (R)

George W. Bush (R)

Ronald Reagan (R)

And the biggest expansion of government in American history was done in 2002 by a Republican majority Congress, and approved by Republican President George W. Bush.

So it would appear that though they have the right philosophy, it is the Democrats who are more likely to follow it.

Update 3:

Well it would appear you drank the koolaid you were trying to avoid.

For the record, Communism is the complete LACK of government. What the Soviet Union called itself was Communist, but it was nowhere close. They were, in fact, Fascists.

Republicans are closer to Communism because they want less government, and Communism is NO government.

And now you see why I say you drank the koolaid? You were told a complete lie about what Communism is, and in fact you have been fighting for it for some time. Republican philosophy leans toward Communism, but their actions lean toward Fascism.

And I know this because I have actually read the Communist Manifesto. Barack Obama is no Communist.

Update 4:

Bill Ayers is no Fascist. Bill Ayers is about as close to Communist as you can get without actually being Communist.

This is precisely what I am talking about. No one knows anything about the philosophies they are attacking. They attack precisely the same things they fight for; and ally themselves with those who are against what they want.

Because they "drink the koolaid," and believe the lies.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is very little difference between the parties. They each want exactly the same thing but each is coming from opposite directions to achieve this goal.

    The American citizen had better hope that they reach the central point at the same time, dead center of the road, or the nation will have major trouble.

    The general public should educate themselves better so they will know what is happening, because I would guess that better than 45% have no idea of who does what, when, where or how when it comes to governmental actions. This is why many think Bush declared war on Iraq. It was Congress because the Constitution states that only Congress can declare war.

  • 5 years ago

    enable me restoration some issues alongside with your assertion a million. the two the Democrats and Republicans desire to guard the wealthy. the version is how they manage the destructive. Democrats desire to placate them with handouts, and the Republicans desire them to starve. 2. The poorer you're, the extra effective you're making contributions to the economic device. Why is that? when you consider which you inject a some distance better share of your disposable earnings promptly in to the economic device. which potential lots much less money is sitting in Scrooge McDuck vaults, and getting used in the Wall street on line casino. It doesnt count how little you put in the economic device, it concerns what %. uncomplicated occasion right here. There are one hundred human beings, and $one hundred money in the economic device. If each physique had to spend $a million for neccessities, what's extra advantageous, a million guy having $forty, one guy having $20, yet another guy having $15, and the the rest ninety seven splitting $25, or each and each guy or woman getting $a million? nicely, in the 1st project, $28 money will return to the economic device, 3 dollars from the three human beings controlling $seventy 5, and the entire $25 from the different ninety seven. Now, the wealthy human beings would purchase some luxurious products by using fact they are in a position to, so we could say, they spend 0.5 of their ultimate money on that, it somewhat is $seventy two/3, $24 extra money. So, it somewhat is now $fifty two decrease back to the economic device, at the same time as $forty 8 is going in to the Wall street on line casino or the money vault. So now, that $one hundred all of us started with, turns in to $fifty two. Now, you may possibly see how that is going to impression employment and earnings for the ninety seven human beings, by using fact the appropriate 3 human beings are surely not likely to take a pay decrease. in the 2nd project, each and each guy or woman with $a million will spend one hundred% of that money on neccessities, so because it somewhat is $one hundred decrease back to the economic device, which will fill an countless cycle. right here in the US, lots of project a million has been happening for 3 a protracted time, that we are actually at a tipping factor.

  • 1 decade ago

    center right.

    And you are wrong about the fascist.

    They aren't far right.

    Bill Ayers is a fascist. I wouldn't say he was far right.


    Fascism opposes communism, conservatism, democracy, individualism, international socialism, liberalism, materialism, pacifism, laissez faire capitalism and political pluralism.[9][4][3][10][11][12][13][14][15] Some fascists see themselves as advocating a third position alternative to both capitalism and communism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'll study at that but i take aception because one of the things that attracted me to the GOP in the first place was my own anti communist views, and the reason i left was their swing toward communism they are on currently

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Slightly left of center. Democrat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry. You're wrong.

    Nazis were socialists. and Fascists were leftists. FACT.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Republicans in their essence want less government.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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