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What exactly is the change you expect from Obama?

I'm looking for real answers. Not ones like "He won't be Bush" or other nonsense. What do you really expect him to change and how is he to do this?


I'm not saying I agree with everything Bush did but saying someone ISN'T him is not an answer to anything. Just as stating idealistic policies isn't. How are those to be accomplished? More diplomacy in foreign affairs? Did that work for Carter or Clinton?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The major change I'm looking forward to is the end to aggressive "cowboy diplomacy." Obama actually understands the importance of maintaining our image in the world arena, and how damaging arrogant rhetoric can be when we're trying to fight two wars at once.

    I'm liberal, and I didn't necessarily disagree with the wars. I understood the need to go into Afghanistan after 9-11. At one point we had the whole world behind us. Then Bush has to start all his "with us or against us" rhetoric and arrogant talk, and nations started pulling their support. Then he goes into Iraq saying he doesn't care what people think, and we lose even more support and look like fools in the eyes of the world community.

    I know little Bushies follow his rhetoric and say they don't care what the world thinks. But do you realize that the world would have helped us in Iraq if we had gone about it right? Of course Saddam was horrible and needed to be deposed. If we had tried a little diplomacy, we could have gotten him out and been done with it by now.

    It wasn't necessarily the wars I disagreed with, it was the way in which they were fought.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no change. Bush was a Republican in name but a liberal spender and created bigger gov't. I expect more of the same from Obama. So, I dont really see any change involved, especially with all the old Clinton advisors coming back to DC for a reunion of sorts. We've seen this before haven't we?

  • G T
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I thoroughly expect change to a communist/marxist style government. He had a communist mentor, hung out with Ayres, got money from Soros (wants a World Government) and received overwhelming support and endorsements from communist organizations and countries. His stance against the Second Amendment, as well as suggest/want an internal police force under his control in America.... this is what Stalin, Mao, Hitler and all other dictators have done, he needs this force to disarm America to force his "change" to a marxist America envisioned by the DNC.

    "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

  • 1 decade ago

    I expect no new "change" from BO.

    Our only change will come via revolt against the current government - but people are too scared to stand up to this "big business" full of greedy , lying, hypocrites.

    Politicians are just like welfare recipients - they both have an ingrained attitude of entitlement NO ONE will change.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He will change America from a sovereign nation into a member of a foreign-controlled global government. Bush is working hard to lay the groundwork (G-20 treaties, bailouts, nationalization of companies, etc., etc.,), and Obama will finish the job.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    about 95 cents.

    But seriously, I expect more federal funding for alternative fuel and other green technology research, more diplomatic approaches to foreign policy, more inclusive and better quality social services, and a more sound economic strategy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry you don't like my answer. He is the change from Bush, from Republican, from laissez-faire and militarism.

    Hopefully it is change to co-operation, negotiation- not capitulation to tyrants or bullying those who do not agree with him- fiscal solvency and a return to constitutional government.

    How he is to do this? Just study what W did and do something else.

  • 1 decade ago

    Meet the new boss same as the old boss

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only change will be what you have in your pocket less than one dollar.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I expect from him that he will discard of those interest groups(such as NRA) in Washington....and that he will change how the welfare system works.....

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