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"Caylee" murder--one month gap impossible?

Help, crime experts, if anyone has been following the Caylee murder case in Florida----

??--if the child and her mother lived in the Grandparents' house, and the family was very close, why didn't the GRANDPARENTS ask/wonder/question where the heck the child was for a whole month?

Isn't this the biggest mystery?

Anyone know how this happened?


10 Answers

  • Lady M
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is an answer I gave to another question, but if you read it you will find the answer to your question as well. Sorry it is so long, but I wanted to be thorough.

    Ok, this is what I have learned while following this case very closely over the past few months:

    Casey Anthony was a spoiled brat who lied with ease, who manipulated everyone she knew. Her extended family knew the kind of person she was. Her parents, enabled her bad behavior. She got pregnant and I am sure lied about the identity of the father. That is a story yet to be told. She was an irresponsible, untruthful, disrespectful, self-centered, young woman.

    Before Caylee was born, she had talked about allowing the baby to be adopted. Her mother, Cindy talked her out of that. I am sure Cindy thought that if they allowed Casey to live at home with them, they could help her out, and that being a mother would help her grow into a more responsible person. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way.

    When the baby was born, the doctor handed her first to Cindy. Casey felt that her mother was trying to usurp Kaylee's love from the beginning. Casey sometimes took good care of Kaylee, but like all new mothers she found being a mother tiring. She allowed Cindy to "take over" much of the mothering duties, and she, Casey treated Kaylee like a beautiful toy. Something to be played with, and enjoyed when it suited her. She still wanted to party.

    Casey's parents were coming to the end of their patience with her attitude and behavior. Cindy had found out about Casey's theft of monies from the account which paid for Cindy's fathers care in an old folks home. Cindy had given Casey a choice to either get her act together, or move out and take care of both herself and Caylee on her own. Casey wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility. They had a huge argument and Casey decided to take Caylee and leave.

    She had taken the child to her boyfriend's apartment several times, however, he had told her that he didn't want her to bring Caylee there again. I suppose he may have felt uncomfortable having the child there when there was "partying" going on. That is to his credit.

    I believe she had begun putting Caylee to sleep with chloraform or some other drug while she partyed, telling her parents and others that Caylee was with "Zannie the nanny". No one had any idea that "the nanny" was really chloraform and a car trunk!

    I think she put tape over the baby's mouth, just in case she woke up. I think she put her in the trunk with the rag soaked in chloraform one too many times, and left her there longer than she meant to.

    I think that when Casey found Caylee deceased she paniced. She drove around for several days with the little body of her child in the trunk. I think she buried her in the back yard, then changed her mind and dumped her. Then she abandoned the car.

    At this time Casey and Caylee had been away from the house for weeks. Cindy, George, and Lee were just under the impression that they were staying with Zannie, or other friends, and that they would be back when Casey came to her senses.

    When the car was towed and the Anthony's were called to come pick it up (because the car was in there name) George Anthony went to pick up the car, and it smelled like death. When he took the car home, Cindy smelled the car also and recognized the smell. She found the pants in the car, they reeked of the stench also. (I think she was already in denial and that in washing the pants she thought she could wash all of this away.)

    When they found the car, Cindy began to search for Casey and Caylee in earnest. She contacted Casey's friend who told her that Casey was at her boyfriend's apartment. Cindy and the friend went to the boyfriend's house and Cindy confronted Casey asking her where Caylee was and telling her she was going to take her to jail. They went back to the house where Casey started her web of lies. Cindy called 911 and the rest you know.

    George and Cindy are in no way responsible for what Casey did. There comes a time when we all must take responsibility for our own actions. They may have made parenting mistakes, WE ALL DO, but I repeat, the grandparents and brother had no prior knowledge of the crime.

    You may not agree with their actions after the fact as they tried to form reasonable doubt, insisting that Caylee was still alive, when any reasonable person following the case, knew she wasn't. I do not judge them for that. They are suffering terribly, they have lost their grandaughter, they are about to see their daughter face life in prison. Let's say a prayer for all of them!

  • 1 decade ago

    I was wondering the same thing. How on earth did this happen. They say that the body was found in the grandparents backyard. But wouldn't you have smelled a body decomposing. This story is really fishy and I hope that justice is brought to those that had anything to do with this murder.

  • 1 decade ago

    they knew what happened, I don't believe they helped kill Caylee or disposed of her body, but I think not too long after it happened they knew exactly what Casey did and they tried to cover it up and protect her. I would not be at all suprised if one or both of her parents are hauled in on accessory after the fact charges and or obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence something along those lines

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Casey told Cindy her and Caylee were going to 'bond' and stay with friends. Cindy talked with Casey via phone & text during that month, and it was lie after lie. Finally, Cindy talked with a friend of Casey's who led Cindy to the boyfriends apartment. That's when Cindy finally realized something went horribly wrong. God bless this innocent child.

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  • Yaya
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Barbie explained it accurately.

    How weird that some nincompoop would give her answer a thumbs down.

    Rest in peace, sweet Caylee....

  • 1 decade ago

    i wondered the same thing. i thought the kid lived at the grandparent's house too.

  • mtnglo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Love nailed it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They knew, the mom confessed to them and they tried to hide it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They were either in on it or she told them lies.

  • mabey they no what happend

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