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What is red hot and square? Name 5 such things.?

This is among the many questions being faced by a friend for PG enterance in design. I gave it a thought but could not think of a single such thing. Any help will be appreciated.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    red hot i am gona say dont neccessarily have to mean the color red or temp...just term as in "red hot" as in "wow/extrodinary" well...

    think outside the box and not just anything completely common, doesnt have to refer to food type items.

    coals ( from a grill..they get red hot and semi squarish)

    stove top burners

    branding iron ( diff shapes and sizes)


    sidewalk..think in the summer time how hot they can be..and they are squares

    can be a bandana..( red hot as in style not temp)

    jsut think, close your eyes and open your imagination, let the ideas just flow thru...


  • 1 decade ago

    When I fire square tiles in a kiln, they are red hot.

    There's a CD of the Red Hot Chili Peppers live at Madison Square

  • 1 decade ago

    Does it have to be food and drink? Otherwise, charcoal is red hot (when lit) and square.

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