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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 1 decade ago

Ancient Africa? & Obama?

Hi well I've been thinking. First of all I am european. Why do people often say blacks are less intelligent when they constantly prove to be very smart and why do some white people still try and take away from their hard earned ancient history even when slavery doesnt need to be justified anymore by hiding the truth? Some other white people even try and say Ancient Egyptians were white which is a very greedy and so wrong a thing to say and just pushes the stereotype that whites try and claim all the glory and advances for themselves denying anyone else the fact that they're even human. Ancient Egypt is the 1st/2nd oldest civilization and were advanced in science, geometry, philosophy etc. The Greeks like Alexander went into Africa and learnt these things from their priests. Now some uneducated people may say that Egypt wasn't black even though it was you only have to look at the tomb of Ramses II showing an Egyptian as black, semite as white, other african almost identical to egyptian just slightly different clothes and exact same skin, also look at Queen Nefertit. Another picture shows king tut in a chariot with dark skin and black warriors behind him with the heads of enemies (white) under the chariot check link i will add it. Well I read the bible and Genesis says that Noahs son Ham (egyptian word for black by the way) had a son named Cush (these are the Cushites, the black empire below egypt called kingdom of Cush) so we know ham was black due to his son, also the great civilization of Babylon was the empire of Nimrod,(Cush's son) Genesis Ch.10 verse 8. We know that Ham descendent inhabited Cush, Egypt, and Babel, type 'middle east shem ham' on google images to see. Also from pictures of Tutenkamuns tomb we can clearly see that the egyptians were black including himself. Saying Ancient Egypt wasn't black is like saying that old america wasnt inuit (indians), Egypt was invaded by arabs 700 AD for religous reasons just like America was invaded by europeans just because America is white now doesnt mean it was 5000yrs ago let alone 300yrs ago. Egypt wasnt arab when the egyptian civilization was around 5000yrs ago the same way, its like in 1000yrs someone saying the Aztecs were white. I will put links up later incase some people still wont accept this. My question is why do some dismiss Egypt as not being an Ancient African civilization, is it the same reason some call Obama dumb even though he is intelligent and is this why Alexander the Great defaced the sphyinx's nose? So people wouldnt believe it was black?


To Alyna that wasn't before Egypt. To Feisty this is exactly what im talking about, the links you showed were great they show black people on the wall BY THE WAY black people are not actualy the colour black they are brown like we can see in the paintings infact tutankahmun looks ALOT like Tupac, middle easterns are the same colour as saddam hussein, the same colour as chinese people, try googling it? I've already stated the facts so why can people like you not accept it.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Throughout history white people have been among some of the most ignorant, selfish and stuck up people in the world. They actually beleived that anyone who wasn't "white" or of the "superior race" were infernal. The stupid thing is: white people are (beleive it or not) of a race also and it's completely asinine when they think they're the most intelligent and blah blah blah. I guarentee that some person from Japan is smarter than a Caucasian from England (sorry if that sounds stereotypical) but seriously. White people are neither smarter nor better than Hispanics, blacks, Asians, etc.

    Furthermore, white people were among the worst in racial discrimination. I mean, if a white person went to Mexico, I don't think they would treat them as crappy as white people did to them.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not degrading white people. I just think they struggle to realize that they aren't "the race of the world" that's all!!

    Source(s): Common sense and education in idiots of today's society
  • Big D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I could be wrong, but wasn't it the Chinese the brought us the Compass? Block Printing? Paper Money? Gunpowder? All this 2,000 years before the pyramids were born. It's about time we stop pointing fingers. Egypt had many slaves to build them Pyramids and I bet they were white. I also bet they were just a prejudice as some white people too. But you know what this spaceship we are on is revolving around the Sun. With all of us on it. Someday when we are all mixed together in the big smelting pot. It ain't gonna matter what are ancestors did then. It really matters what we do now.

  • Feisty
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well now,that's quite a rant you put on for us. Took you a while to get to the point. For the record, I'm white and I think Obama is a very intelligent man -- which is why I voted for him.

    However, as to some of the rest of your assertions -- they are merely that -- assertions. Egyptians -- you say -- were black and you can say that is evident from Tut's tomb. Well, looking at it -- he sure looks middle eastern (NOT black) to me! Note I did not say he was "white".

    Looking at the back wall of the tomb, again the figures appear middle eastern NOT black NOR white.

    So, looking at the links I *DID* post, I consider Ancient Egypt to be an Ancient MIDDLE EASTERN, civilization. Now, is that African -- sure, it's on the continent. But it's not SUB-SAHARAN Africa.

    And, Obama's intelligence has nothing to do with Ancient Egypt.

    And to take on another poster -- while I'll be the first to admit MANY, if not MOST, whites are at least a little racist -- it is not confined to them. I've yet to see ANY race that does not believe they are better. Japan is a great example, with probably as many if not more incidents of "racism" than any other culture. This was particularly during WWII -- and on the US side as well. Another example -- Europeans! I know MANY of them who are very prejudiced against the Turks who live there.

    NO ONE CULTURE CAN CLAIM TO BE RACISM FREE -- but "questions" like these certainly do nothing to help.

    And go ahead with the "thumbs down" because I don't agree with your rants. I don't care.

    LOL: "Dr. Wilson" you still cannot accept facts right in front of your face can you. But that's fine. Unfortunately there will always be people like you in the world and the rest of us are just as well off ignoring your ignorance.

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